Chapter 2- Walks the Plan

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Thursday 23rd January 2020- Chapter 2

Pencil's POV:-

Everyone was on the same team, while us "Iance" we're glancing one another. Which was wired and awkward.

"So " iance, what's our plan for taking the other team down. Who should we go for, they're all pretty strong but, "Beep" HA, theirs no way they'll never win. Said Ruby, trying to make the team talk again.


"Sorry." Said Ruby as her eyes were looking down to the dark blue, yellow grass

"But they can't be that strong if Leafy kill Balloony Right?" Said Lighting in his sharp voice

"Wait, guys, what the hell, are you even talking about? Just because she killed "Balloony" on purpose doesn't mean you guys need to talk about it." I was worried about everyone in my team, talking about Leafy, and Leafy stop talking to almost everyone except for Bubble. Well maybe not everyone...

"Pencil, a word please..." as Bubble crossed her arms and took me somewhere a bit more private, so the other teams don't need to see what's up with us.

"Bubble why did you-"

"I wanted to ask why we're you looking at me while I was talking to the 2 some." As Bubble was trying to point out on Pencil.

I sighed to Bubble then began speaking to her.

"I was only looking at you, cause I didn't really want you to have another breakdown with Firey and Leafy. So I grabbed Ruby to come up with a suggestion for the two of us and decided that us " Iance" will continue to the end. I just thought maybe we can start all over again, because of whatever I did last season, didn't really plan well then I expected cause of me. But in the end, I screw it up, a lot than the first season. I just don't know what I was thinking that's all, replacing you into a "Bember" instead of a "Member". I know it sounds stupid to remember all of these things we did in the past, but I really wanted to say sorry for everything that I have done, in the past." As I was trying to explain the problem between us two I finally stood up for myself.

"Yeah, but Leafy isn't going to talk to anyone for now on-" as Bubble was trying to correct me

"That's my point! I just don't want you to have the same feeling as her. What I'm trying to say is that I really want to start all over again with them, without any problems with the team. I'm was hoping that we can start over all away to the top?" I was trying convinced Bubble to understand but she kept her arms cross not even looking at me for a moment.

"Well....." As bubble was trying to find an answer. "Okay fine, but for real this time, even though I don't forgive people that fast. But I'll just accept it. But you have to promise to me without making mistakes to me and the rest of our team." Finally, she accepted it I was so worried that we wouldn't talk anymore.

"I promise..."

Taco's POV:-

Pretty much us "Bleh" were still arguing about our team and Lollipop won't stop talking about her "fork replete" what a creep...

"Lollipop theirs no time to talk about your own can!" Said Gaty in her aggressive tone

"Oh, and if I didn't have my can, how are we going to survive?!" Said Lollipop as she was still being sarcastic to her team.

"Well isn't there anyway, we can help instead of your " fork replete" thing?" Saw was trying to help her teammates, and but fumes we're gone for her so she felt so calm, but it didn't work as planned. I made a Poop face at the background while Lollipop was saying this to Saw.

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