Chapter 14- No Jr's Aloud.

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Sunday 3rd May 2020- Chapter 14

this chapter contains Violence (For this chapter not the last chapter lol)

And yes this chapter will have a different setting. Hope ya'll understand.


Firey JR's POV:-

It was about 11:25pm and this happened. I wonder what's going on even if 4 and X wasn't here-

Wait a minute... what if 4 set this up as a challenge... This isn't funny. We where running away from our shelters.... why would he do that?

I was kinda getting intense about the hole "running around" thing. I started to looked out for my team who was just completely silent for a while. Well maybe not the shelters part.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Someone was screaming like a baby.. it was Golfball who was screaming. Is this the first time ever I heard her screamed... or is it my second time... I don't know..

"GOLFBALL WHATS GOING ON?!" Basketball was so worried with her as Tennisball question her so terrible.  We all looked at her as I was standing next to Bomby. But then I decided to go on top on him since my legs are kinda tired of the hole running thing.

"I-I WAS... SOMETHING!" She squeeze her eyes even more tighter so she doesn't see what's happening. I looked at the front entrance that my team was Running. I was a bit confused and terrified because what if something was there but we can't actually see.

"PLEASE DON'T TELL ME, WE NEED TO RUN AGAIN!" Flower was losing her mind. As Loser was still holding onto Leafy because she kept flying away. Even if I wasn't there. Snowball looked at her so boring while holding his red scarf. Gaty walks up to her and said.

"Oh, Flower, stop being a whip. We don't need to run again... if we found safety, by these Canadian Leafs..." Flower was shaking a lot, as Bottle was taking out all of the Canadian Leafs inside of her Bottle.

"Wait a minute... aren't we like, in the USA... how did like, the Canadian Leafs came to us.. if like, Canada isn't part of the US?" Match let go of her fear and realised that the Leaf aren't from the US. I thought she doesn't act so smart... guess she is.

"I agree.... the Canadian Leafs aren't... actually from the US..." Donut also agree with Match, as she pull out a really good point. He broke the silence for our team.

"Canada isn't either." Pie added.

Cake was looking at the ground and points out of something. He looks really frustrated about running away from our shelters. He looks up to everyone else while, Ruby was next to him, scratching her back.

"Wait- Why are we talking about Geography stuff, if we are running from our shelters?" Loser looks at Cake so confused as all the Losers looked at him so confused. Pencil Flinch

"What do you expect Cake? It's obviously- Pencil was obviously mad at Cake for not noticing that they need to talk about Geographical stuff. But Fanny was looking so strange... she interrupted Pencil rudely.

"Shut up! I heard something..."  Fanny turn around to look what's in front of her while looks out for that noise...

As the conversation stop about Canadian Leafs coming to US. We heard some bushes that were making a sound like the leafs where about to collapse. We all looked at eachother and it was coming even closer. We where all shaking a lot and squeezed are hands together, it was this moment that we could all die or something that we never seen before. It was coming even close and now, it was coming at the left side, now it was coming at right, then left, then right. Left, Right, Left and Right until this happened.

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