Chapter 22- Tables in Hell

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Monday 16th November 2020- Chapter 22

Pen's POV:-


"Why are you stressing out Pen.. what the emergency?" Tree was sitting next to me, while I couldn't get to sleep. I look at him and tilt my head towards him; as I was being a sleepy-head.

"Oh.. I don't know.."

"I don't know isn't going to help me to find the correct answer. Pen speak up."

"I.. can't.."

"You can, are you sad because Icy is eliminated?" I shaken my head, to a no.

Okay, so I do.. kinda..

"Then what?"

"N-nothing!" I said. Shaking a bit as my windows were kinda opened. "Look, if your not gonna say anything, then I'll leave. Your completely saying nothing."

Why is Tree so concerned about me? Like, what do I even say to him?

I like him-...


That's a joke. I don't like him nor Eraser I just like them as my bros, well mostly Eraser and Blocky.
Snowball hasn't been with us, and I'm getting worried about him. Especially he's been wearing that red scarf?

Who the hell even wears a red scarf at this time?

"Let me guess. Your cold.. aren't you?" Tree got up and close the windows while I rubbing my arm. He was standing next to the door to leave. I couldn't say anything. I'm too tired.

"Last chance Pen.. is there ANYTHING you need to talk about because I'm here for you."


"Uh.. yeah.., but can you sit down with me.. I don't wanna make your feet tired." Tree rolled his eyes and came back. I was still shivering. "Okay, you better answer this one. I really want to go to sleep."

"I.. don't know what to say but.."

"But? What- anxiety came?"

"But what if.. we are.. cheating?"


"What.. Cheating? The heck to you mean by 'cheating'?" He still questions. "You know, the game. We didn't do enough cheating in BFB and maybe TPOT, but like. What if we are... because this isn't fair for the other teams for getting up for elimination, just like that.." 



"Your crazy.."


"Why do you think about so many things that doesn't really impact on us. Pillow wouldn't like that if we cheat. We even told her once, before the season started correct?" I nodded.

"Also, we lost twice now. But lucky we had luck that none of us got eliminated right?"

"I know Tree.. but.. I'm getting worried about that and I've also noticed something too."


"The challenge that we did months ago.. God.. it's almost a year now."

"I know. And well we did lost the first challenge." Tree added and I looked at him for a second.

"I'm surprised how Leafy manage to survive even though.. she gone weaker. She doesn't even  like anyone at all, like she used too. I even ask her on that day we were doing the Pearl challenge and she never responded because of her hands." I looked at my hand, still red ish. I can see a tiny scar.

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