Chapter 10- Where Are You!?

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Saturday 14th March 2020- Chapter 10

Part 3 :0

Foldy's POV:-

We were creating ours a bit different than the other teams were. Beep and The Losers has finished and Beepers are safe while the Losers... Actually I have no idea what's up with the Losers. Half of there team are missing.

I look over at Stapy who didn't do anything except for something that he didn't want to talk about.

I go and walk up to him and asked,

"Stapy? Why so sad?" He made a eating mouth without any food inside of him.


"Oh come on, maybe you can at least, talk to a friend of yours?" He was so shy that he didn't want to say anything at all.

"Well, you know... what happened.. to...." he started to talk a little but he didn't really want to answer back properly.

"Look Stapy, everyone knows what happen to Bell, but it's not you're fault that you made us lose. It was technically 4's fault for not explaining it probably." Of course he didn't care if it was 4 fault. He kept thinking its his fault

"That's nice of you Foldy, but I still think it's my fault..." he's still believes that it's his fault for whatever he did for the challenge

"Stapy... I-" I wanted to say something about Bell, but that would upset him even more. I change my words to elimination who he voted for. "Who did you voted for?"

"Puffball... She had to go..." he look terrible like he had a tummy ache or something

"But she did nothing wrong..." I said

"I know, but I still think she deserves it, after what she did in BFDIA that was kinda rude of her, for budging her teammates like that." He has a point. It was on the Yoyle City News anyways.

"I guess..."

He was looking at the sun as it was about to sunset soon. We did look a bit odd, but we had it in the end before we went silent.

I just wish that ONLY if Leafy started to talk to everyone again like she normally would. That would make Stapy happy. But she's gone really shy to herself and her Teammates.

"Hey~ I have an joke for you." I tried to be like Leafy but I don't think she's will pull up pranks.

"What is it..." Stapy looks at me a bit boring

"Why did Snowball got mad with Coiny?" Stapy look confused.

"I don't know, you tell me.." he said

"Because he broke his hand glider!" The drums played behind me.

"Yeah... that wasn't even funny at all Foldy..." he never like that joke. I never gave up I had to think of something else.

"Okay! Why did Flower never listen to Pin and Leafy?" He did the same face again.

"I don't know, you tell me.." he said

"Because she's was wearing EarPods!" The drums played behind me again. Stapy kinda smirked it a little. I want to make my best friend happy again it's working.

"Oh! That reminds me, Why did Pen, wanted to win?"

"I don't know Foldy, you tell me again" he turn around with a smile.

"BECAUSE HE WANTED TO WIN PEN-ISLAND" he was laughing so was I.

"Penisland- Oh THATS gross" he comment back.

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