Chapter 19- Welp, There Gone..

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Wednesday 5th August 2020- Chapter 19

[SPOILERS I REPEAT SPOILER ALERT FOR BFB 23. Yeah I was kinda shocked about this result.]

[again; I'm not sure if that person will be eliminated in BFB 23. We'll just have too see even if the votes weren't a tie after all.]

David's POV:-

"Yeah.. and she's literally just stood up silent without saying a word! Pretty weird huh?!" Bell woke up and started to talk to Liy and Needle, while I was being awkwardly quiet.

"Seriously, Bell? I don't believe in you. That must have been a dream!" Liy come forward and starts speaking again.

Honestly, I still don't get it..

Is the show cancelled?

Nobody's has been eliminated so far.. what's going on?!

"Liy, it was a dream.. I think you didn't quite understand what she meant.." Needle seems really tired to talk.. she nearly felt a bit sleepy.. I like, the only one who has fallen asleep just yet. "Yeah.. Yeah, Whatever Needle-"

Should I be worried about this?

A competition? I got out so early.. getting hated for real? I was only trying to be the funny guy. That's all.

"Hmm.. Guys, do you think this Grey Box we're in is hopeless?" Liy Question again about the The Loser Chamber we're in. Man please don't remind me how much I was dying in there with Needle. There weren't any room for us again.. "Meh.. it's fine, I mean.. I was in the TLC before; with David.. so I have no problem with that.." Being in the TLC again kinda sucks. I know Needle was lying. Man, at least we didn't need to be in the EXIT. That would have been dreadful.

"Actually.. I kinda agree with Liy.. This TLC is so dark.. I can't even see you probably Needle.." Bell has a strong point. It felt like Needle was in camouflaged we couldn't really see her since well.. it's been like over 10 years since we haven't been the TLC. This TLC has changed.. and speaking of changed, how did 4 knew about this!?

Liy Nodded her head for a agreement. I still sat down with them without saying a word too them. I didn't want them to start a drama like all the time..

I.. I.. wonder how my team is doing so far..

Nickel POV:-

39 minutes later.

Alright we made our walk. Let's get out of here! I can't wait to start the competition again, that way my Mum and Dad will be happy once again! This will make me happy once I win SAVER.

"WAIT!" 4 some reason said wait while we all stopped walking to get out of the campsite. "4? What's going on?" Yellow Face has spoken up. 4 turn around to look at us while he did the same pose as he did too Clock when he asked to recover our dead friends. "W-where.. Blocky, Match and Coiny?!" We all froze again.

"Oh my god we're missing our friends! Uh-Uh lets just go home." I said it sarcastically I think? "N-NICKEL! THERE IN DANGER WE CANT JUST LEAVE THEM LIKE THAT! What are you a fan of NOT SAVING PEOPLE?!" Balloony got so mad at me. I thought it will be Leafy.. guess not. I heard some smirking giggling from Bubble and Pencil. What's was going on. Don't they want to save their friend?

"Dude.. D-did we told Blocky not to go anywhere.." Eraser looks way worried than before. Oh god, this was a great day. "W-we did.. GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN A SMALL RED CUBE WHO KINDA LOOKS LIKE LOSER BUT A BIT MEANER-" we all looked at Pen so mad.

"ITS BLOCKY WE ALL GET IT PEN!" We all said together except for Teardrop who was silently standing there. And Eraser; since, well you know..

Gayest friends ever-

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