Chapter 2

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The amazing night I was having, just took an awful turn.

I have to work tonight, and I'm already running late.

Quickly, I throw on a loose fitting black crop top and a pair of black skinny capris. Then I tie my hair in two braids, slip on my grey and purple vans, grab my keys, my wallet and a jacket, and head out the door.

I press the button on the keys to unlock my light blue 2008 Ford Focus, and hop in.

Once the car is on my fingers immediately find the buttons for the heater and turn it to full blast.

Then I start on the familiar 10 minute journey to Sports Man's Bar with the radio blaring The Neighbourhood.

I pull into a parking garage about a block and a half away from the bar. The walk there is cold, but short.

When I arrive the place is empty except for some workers.

"What's going on?" I ask Lisa, my boss.

"Didn't you get my message?" She starts.

I shake my head.

"You were supposed to show up early, the place is closed to the public tonight."

I should've guessed. Its looks a lot cleaner than usual in here, and the employees are actually working.

"For who?" I ask. Usually when the bar gets closed for the public some rich guy is renting it out for a work party, but every now and then an actual important person rents it out.

"The Capitals and their coach and stuff."

I nearly choke on the air im breathing.

If the capitals are coming here that means I get to see Alex again.

What if he doesn't recognize me? Do I look any different than I did earlier?

"You alright there sweetheart?" Lisa asks putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nod and walk to the break room where I clock in.

A small mirror sits next to the staff refrigerator and I check myself in it.

I have a few stranded hairs here and there, but I guess I look decent.

"They're gonna be here any minute, so you best be getting ready!"

Lisa's cigarette stained voice echoes through the entire bar, and almost immediately after she says that, music starts blasting through the building.

I get to my post behind the bar and wait for the team to show up.

After a few minutes Maloney comes over to keep me company. Not that I want her to. She's probably the skankiest girl in DC. I bet Maloney has slept with every person who comes in and out of this bar, yes, girls included.

She is currently wearing all black, same as me (as it is the dress code) except everything on her is skin tight. Her shirt shows plenty of her cleavage and her pants look like they've been painted on.

Although I'm not usually one to judge based on appearance, I know Maloney, and even she says she's the skankiest girl in DC, so technically I'm just agreeing with her.

"So you like this hockey team huh?" She asks shoving a piece of gum in her mouth.

"What makes you say that?" I ask nervously.

"Well I saw you nearly fall over when Lisa told you who was coming. But I ain't blaming ya. There are some nice looking fellas on that team. Maybe this ole skank can get a piece of one." She winks and then walks away to the front desk.

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