Chapter 19

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Chandler's POV

It's been about a month and a half since my mom came to visit and since I decided to give Alex a try.

We've been bouncing back and fourth between his place and mine.

We don't really do anything though, I mean we do stuff but we don't do anything, does that make sense?

I'm just trying to say that we haven't really been intimate with each other lately, and it probably isn't what Alex wants, but I just don't think I'm ready for intimacy with him again, not yet anyways.

Alex seems like he really wants to have a future with me though, and I think he understands that it's too soon for me to fully trust him again; he isn't rushing me in any way.

But what I don't know for sure is what he means when he says he won't leave me.

Does he mean he's going to stay until the baby is old enough to go to school so that I can get a job again, or does he mean something more permanent? Is the future he wants a long or a short one?

Whatever it is I guess I'll find out soon because regular hockey season is almost over, so we'll probably be spending a lot of time together.

Tonight is the Caps last meeting with the Pens. Alex asked me to go so of course I'm going to.

I pick through my dresser until I find my Ovechkin jersey and slide it on over a sweatshirt.

I've already done my makeup and everything, so I just chill until it's time to leave.

6pm rolls up, and I drive my little ford to the Verizon center.

I'm not stupid; I know better than to even look for a parking spot on these streets, so I find the closest garage and pull in.

My baby bump isn't that big yet, so it's not very hard for me to walk, and I don't think many people will even notice it since the jersey I'm wearing fits me rather loosely.

I said it wasn't hard to walk, but it sure as hell is tiring; It feels like I've been walking for miles.

Once I finally get to the dome shaped building, I have my ticket scanned and start heading over to a costumer service desk.

"Hi how can I help you?" A younger man asks once I get to the front of the line,

"Hey um I have a locker room pass, but I'm not really sure where to go," I reply showing the guy my red credit card looking pass.

He nods, puts a phone to his ear and holds up a finger signaling that he'll be with me in a minute.

Once he hangs up the device, he starts talking to me again,

"Security will come to scan your pass and take you down in a minute, you can just stand over there," he leans over the table and points next to an elevator and I nod.

He's right, it only takes security a minute to get to me, and we're in the elevator headed down to the locker rooms in only about 30 seconds more.

After the security woman leads me through some twisty hallways, the locker room is in sight.

I lean against a wall and wait for Alex to come out since I don't really feel like walking into a room full of potentially naked men.

I guess people have started to notice my presence, because Trotz comes over to me.

"Hey how are you?" He asks shaking my hand.

I smile the least broken smile I can manage and tell him I'm doing fine.

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