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(Please ignore my childish choice in pajamas on Christmas, but this is me and my cat, please read⬇️)

Hey guys there is another update coming soon so don't worry, but I have a request:

I came home from ice skating last night to see my cat spinning in circles, wobbling around and acting crazy so we took her to the vet and they said she could possibly have a fatal disease. For all of us lonely writers out there, animals are probably our best friends, my cat is my best friend. When I'm sad, she's there to listen, she doesn't judge me, she loves me and she doesn't care what I look like or what I've done; and I know it sounds weird but that's the way it is, and I just am asking for your thoughts and prayers to go out to my cat, I know it's weird and I sound like a crazy cat lady but hey, if that's what it takes to help my cat.

I love you guys and I appreciate you so much. I promise I'll have an update by tomorrow. Thank you all.

-Maddie and Purple (my cat)

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