Chapter 6

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The house that we enter is super crowded.

People are dancing (most of them already drunk), talking, and doing whatever else it is people usually do at parties.

I just sort of awkwardly follow Alex around. I don't know anyone here, how am I supposed to have a good time if the only person I know is him?

But then, without even hearing the question, Alex helps me answer it: alcohol.

He leads me into a room with a makeshift bar and we pick from their selections.

As we walk back into the main room, he turns and must see the nervous look on my face,

"You okay?" Alex asks putting an arm around my waist,

My lips curl into a smile when his fingers touch my torso,

"Of course,"

Then he looks at me, expecting a kiss, and I give him one.

I guess Alex likes to move fast. We've only kissed once and now I suppose he expects kisses all the time. Not that I'm opposing, I don't mind kissing him at all.

"You and him are the cutest,"

I turn quickly, startled by the comment.

The words came from some girl on Tom Wilson's waist.

"Thanks," I say hesitantly. I wonder how many other people are thinking the same thing, or maybe not something as nice.

What if everyone here tells everyone they know that Alex Ovechkin has another girl by his side?

A few drinks later and I can safely say I am drunk and have forgotten everything there is to worry about.

Everything just feels lighter, like I'm naked, but not naked like I'm not wearing any clothes, but naked like nothing matters.

Does that make sense? God I'm so drunk.

The alcohol has kicked into Alex's system too, because he pulls me really close to him and starts dancing.

Well actually I take that back, he's probably the type of guy who doesn't need a drink to go crazy, so he could very well not even be feeling the juice.

Some other people have crowded around Alex and I, and started dancing as well.

Except some of their moves seem like they should be saved for a bedroom.

I see major movement to the left of me and quickly turn,

A girl is dancing on some guy. But not the little booty shaking dance, like full on dry humping madness.

Alex follows my gaze to see what I'm looking at,

"We should do that," he says laughing,

"Oh yeah sure," the sarcasm in my voice must not reach his ears because he gives a shocked, yet excited expression.

"I was being sarcastic," I laugh a little,

"I knew that," he says with a puppy dog face, which just makes me laugh more.

"Your smile is so beautiful," he says examining my expression.

Embarrassed, I quickly close my lips and try not to smile anymore,

"I hate my smile," I say, bringing my finger nails to my lips.

Alex's hand brushes it away, "well I love it,"

I blush, and lean in. It's a quick little make out session, not more than 10 seconds, but it's enough to make the butterflies in my stomach stir.

Once we leave the party, I convince Alex to stop at the liquor store on the way home.

"You've had lot tonight," he says laughing a little.

"I'm a grown woman, I can have as much alcohol as I want."

This time he laughs a lot.

At first I was a little weary of getting into the car with him, but I don't really think the drinks affected his driving skills.

Both my arms carry a bottle of spirits as we leave the store, Alex just holds a case of beer.

Before I'm even buckled, I've opened up one of the bottles and am slowly drinking it away.

"My god, for such a tiny girl, you are a heavy drinker," he says glancing over at me, trying to watch the passenger seat as I start to empty the bottle and concentrate on the road too.

"It takes a lot to forget about all the problems I got," I slur.

I can tell I'm starting to get pulled away by the drink, but hell does it feel good.

When we pull up to my apartment, Alex and I both get out.

"You're coming in with me?" I ask waving the empty bottle around at my side.

"Yeah, I got make sure your drunk little ass gets in okay," he replies, laughing.

I start up the stairs and he locks his car door.

My feet can barely carry me to my apartment door, but when I get there, I just manage to get it unlocked before Alex can see me struggling.

"You okay?" He asks, ready to turn around and head home.

"Wait," I walk up to him and we're suddenly kissing.

My stomach flutters as our tongues wrestle around with each other.

Finally, Alex starts walking forward, forcing me back into my apartment. He shuts the door with his foot, and we manage to find my bedroom without our lips leaving each others.

I kick my heels off and am all of a sudden on top of him.

While laying on the bed, he takes his shirt off, and I pull my dress up and over my shoulders.

Alex flips me over so he's on top of me and kisses my neck.

Never did I ever think it would go down like this. Never did I ever think it would feel like this.

To be honest with you, this is my first time. And yeah I was a little nervous at first, but I don't think I had a reason to be.

I'm happy. I can't tell if it's the alcohol feeding me artificial emotions, but whatever it is, I'm happy.

I fall asleep on Alex's chest, and we stay like that the rest of the night.

Maybe it IS safe to love Alex. Maybe he isn't really going to leave me. Maybe this could last, and we could be happy together. Maybe this is my forever after, right here with Alex Ovechkin.

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