Chapter 3

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Ah morning, the most horrible gut wrenching part of the day. Lucky for me, I don't work in the morning, so I'm not out of bed until the later end of 11am.

Before I start the day, I strip down and hop into a nice warm shower.

The steamy water pours itself over my cold body, filling me with goose bumps.

It doesn't take me long to get all clean, and rid myself of yesterday's makeup, so I'm out in a matter of minutes, even though I want to stay in the warmth for much longer.

I wrap a towel around my naked body, twist my hair up with a smaller one, brush my teeth and head out of the muggy bathroom.

I don't like getting dressed before putting on my makeup and doing my hair and stuff, so I sit on my vanity stool, layer on some mascara, line my water line with black pencil eyeliner and cover up any blemishes I have with foundation.

Then for my hair, I just twist the wet, red blonde mess into and bun at the top of my head.

I decide not to get dressed for work just yet, it's only a little after 1 I don't have to be there until 7pm, so I put on The Hunger Games (my favorite movie) open a Dr. Pepper, and relax.

Once the movie is over I still have quite a while before I have to leave, so naturally my mind drifts over towards Alex Ovechkin.

I'm almost 100% certain I'm going to see him again tonight.

He probably woke up this morning and thought about how much of an idiot he was for not getting my number, so of course he's gonna want to find me again and get it, and the only thing he knows about me is where I work, so I'm actually looking forward to going to the bar tonight.

I day dream about what he's going to be wearing, and what he'll look like.

Did he keep his scruffy beard and shaggy hair? Or did her cut it between then and now?

I wonder what he's going to say to me,

"Hey beautiful, I didn't get your number last night,"

And I'll answer with the witty,

"That's because you didn't ask for it,"

And we'll talk and go out to dinner, that is, if he even remembers.

What if he's forgotten completely about last night, and about buying me dinner? What if last night was truly the last night I will see him face to face ever again?

Maybe I'm over reacting. There's no way he could forget right? He spent the entire night with me! He's got to remember something about it.

After an hour or two later im out the door and on my way to the bar wearing black leggings, a black loose fitting v-neck and my hair still twisted in a bun at the top of my head.

Once I get there, a few of the regulars great me with the usual "hey baby," in a very drunk manner.

I ignore it, clock in and get to my post: behind the bar.

I don't really talk to anyone, I'm too busy. I've been making drinks non stop. This is the most crowded I've ever seen this place.

But even when I'm not serving drinks, I'm too occupied with searching the place for any sign of Alex.

After a few hours have gone by, I come to the conclusion that he isn't coming. Alex Ovechkin forgot about me.

Of course he did. He sees like a million girls every day, and most of them are probably way more attractive than me.

I was stupid to think he would actually remember me.

"Bye sweety, I'm headin' out," Maloney says, scaring me out of my thoughts.

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