Chapter 16

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Alex's POV

It's been about a month since we found out Chan was pregnant.

Everyday I go to her apartment to check on her, and when I'm away, I call whenever I can.

I feel bad for her because I know this isn't what she wants.

Who would want something like this?

I know Chan wants to be with me, but she doesn't want to be with me like this.

No matter how many times I've tried to tell her that, If she wanted me to, I would've still stayed with her even if she wasn't pregnant, she won't believe me.

I guess one mistake is all it takes to ruin something amazing.

Chandler has refused to see her little brother every time he calls, and she won't tell her mom about the baby.

She couldn't even go to her boss and tell her she quit, I had to do it for her.

I guess Chan is really ashamed by the fact that she's carrying my child.

The media hasn't caught onto yet because Chan hasn't been out of her place in a while.

I'm making sure she's eating though, and that she doesn't drink or try to hurt herself again.

I know it makes her mad that I'm still around, that I haven't left yet, but I just have to make it up to her, I have to make things right again, I have to be with Chandler.

I pull my car into a tight space next to her apartment and head up the stairs.

It takes a little while for her to get to the door after I knock, but eventually she comes to let me in.

"Hey," I say walking inside and shutting the door behind me, "you alright?"

The girl doesn't answer, but this is usual. We engage in little to no conversation when we're together.

Yeah it stings a little when I can't hear her voice, but it hurts even more to hear how broken it is.

Chan walks over to the coach and sits down.

She doesn't turn the tv on or pull out her phone, she just sits and stares.

She's been doing this a lot lately and it's starting to scare me, so I decide to suggest something,

"Hey Chan why don't we go for a walk?"

She turns and looks at me with her green eyes. They would look so much prettier if it weren't for the dark circles underneath them.

"Why?" She asks lowering her eyebrows.

I shrug my shoulders,

"Just to try something different."

Chan unwillingly agrees and I help her put some shoes on and grab a jacket.

I want to hold her hand so badly when we walk out the door, but I know that would be pushing too far, so we just walk like two separate people down the stairs and onto the street.

It's easy to tell that Chandler's pregnant. A small bump has started to form in her lower stomach. I know the mother isn't supposed to start gaining weight until about a month and a half, but I guess our baby is growing fast.

I think I see a few paparazzi attempting to stay hidden behind us, but since Chan doesn't seem to notice I don't make a big deal out of it.

It shouldn't matter anyway, I think the jacket hides her baby bump pretty well.

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