Chapter 20

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Alex's POV

Chandler and I got engaged a few days ago, and even though I'd really prefer to be spending time with her, I'm headed to Columbus to play the Blue Jackets.

It's really early morning when we get off the plane. I want to call Chan but I don't since she's probably to busy snoring her head off, so I'll just wait until morning.

I told her she could stay at my place if she wanted, but Chan insisted on sleeping in her own bed and I didn't protest.

I know she's not very far along in the pregnancy but my god can she have an attitude, so whatever Chandler wants right now, she gets.

"Comin'?" Backy asks nudging me in the shoulder some.

"Oh, yeah," I guess I must've zoned out a little.

I pick up my small suitcase and follow the rest of the team out and onto the rental bus.

We sit where we normally sit and most of the guys fall asleep on the way to the hotel, including me.

Well actually I wouldn't really call it sleeping, more of a daze. You know, the feeling you get when you're sleeping but still fully aware of what's happening around you?

So when we pull up next to the big hotel, I'm the first one up and out.

I'm also the first one in my hotel room and asleep, I don't even wake up when Backy comes in.


"Ovi get up," is the first thing I hear.

"Ovi get your lazy ass up."

I open my eyes to see Backy already dressed in a black suit and tie.


I jump up and start unzipping my suit case.

"Are you gonna take a shower?" Nicklas asks as I pull out my dress clothes.

"Nah I'll take one after," I answer, pulling my black pants over the boxers I wore last night.

"Ok, I'm gonna go get on the bus," Nicky says picking up his already zipped up bag and walking towards the door.

"Wait we're already leaving?"

"Yeah it's almost 4:30," Nick says walking out the hotel room.

I look at the clock on the bedside dresser and see that he was indeed telling the truth and also that I actually slept 12 hours last night.

In record time I'm able to brush my teeth, put on deodorant, get the rest of my suit on, and get my bag zipped up.

Just as I expected, I'm the last one on the bus.

I'm greeted with several pats on the back and quiet "hey"'s as I take my seat next to Backy.

It's a short ride to the arena, and it doesn't take us very long to do our pre game interviews and get dressed.

Before we know it the puck is being dropped and we're leading by one thanks to Carly.

20 minutes of a well deserved break and then it's back on the ice again.

It's a pretty boring 2nd period, nothing happens but a few shots on goal before its time to head back into the locker room again.

Trotz gives us a prep talk about how we need to win every period and can't rely on one goal.

I guess his advice got into my head without me even knowing because we end up winning 2-1 with my point.


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