Chapter 21

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Alex's POV

After the short plane ride, the bus drops us all back off at the Verizon center and I get in my black Mercedes and go.

I haven't been in a very good mood since last night given the fact that my head hurts and Backy thinks I should call off the engagement.

I can't do that though because I really do love Chandler, and I know what I did last night was bad -even if I didn't have sex- because I shouldn't have to struggle between Chan and some girl, but I think Nicky was right and I've just gotten myself into a bad routine.

It's like when people train dogs; they do something good and they get a treat, so pretty soon every time the dog does something good they expect a treat, and I think I'm the same way.

Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse to make my behavior seem less bad.

Whatever. I love Chandler and I want to be with her, so I can change if that's what it calls for.

I park in a small space next to her apartment and start the familiar trek up the stairs.

We left Ohio right after the bar and the plane ride wasn't very long so it's still pretty early in the morning and Chan is probably still sound asleep.

When I get to her door I pull the spare key she gave me out of my pocket and step inside.

All the lights are off and everything is still pretty quiet so I head to the bedroom to see if she's there.

Just as I thought, Chan is laying on the bed snoring her head off, but below her feet is a large mountain of white and orange fur.

I shut her bedroom door behind me and the pile of fluff lifts its head up to send me an unforgiving glare.

A cat? When the hell did Chan get a cat?

Being especially careful not to disturb the satanic creature's slumber anymore, I crawl under the covers and scoot close to Chandler so that my chest is pressed against her back.

Seeing that I did not wake her by doing so, I wrap my arm around her tiny body in an attempt to bring her closer and give her a small kiss on the shoulder before getting pulled into sleep as well.


When I wake up Chandler is propped up on her elbow looking down at me.

"Morning beautiful," I say groggily with a smile.

"When did you get home?" She asks running a hand through my hair.

I look over to the clock on her dresser, after seeing that it says 9:00am I answer,

"Like three hours ago. When did you get a cat?"

"Yesterday," Chan replies, laughing a little.

"Ok next question, why did you get a cat?"

"I got lonely. His name is Cougar," she says with a cute little smile.

But suddenly guilt pours over me. She was lonely because I wasn't here with her.

"I'm sorry babe," I say, placing my hand on her arm and gently caressing.

"Sorry for what?" Chan asks curiously.

"I'm sorry you were lonely; hockey season is almost over and then I'll be here all the time, I promise," I assure just before leaning in and giving her a small kiss.

See. Nicky was wrong. I do love Chandler. Would I feel guilty for leaving her alone if I didn't? Would I feel butterflies in my stomach when we kiss if I didn't love her?

"I don't get it," I say after a little while of looking into her sea green eyes.

"Don't get what?" She asks, giving me a confused look.

"We've only known each other for a couple months, I just don't get it."

Suddenly her face goes white with shock and she starts stuttering a little bit,

"Are, are you having second thoughts?"

"No, no of course not. What I meant is that I don't get how I was able to fall in love with someone after such a short period of time," I assure smiling.

Chan's face goes pink again, and a little bit darker than usual in the cheeks and it just makes me smile more.

"I was thinking a lot on the plane ride home," I start after a little bit, "and I thought maybe now would be a good time for you to move in with me."

"What's wrong with my place?" Chandler questions with a serious expression.

"Oh, well uh, we can live here I guess if you want it's just-"

She cuts me off and a dorky grin covers her face,

"I was kidding, I'd love to move in with you Alex."

"You ass, I was seriously worried for a second," I growl, poking her at her sides and causing her to wiggle around the bed.

Chandler ends up wiggling to much though and actually falling off the mattress and onto the carpet covered ground.

"Ow ow ow," she cries.

I quickly jump up and get on the ground next to her to see if she's hurt.

"I'm sorry, are you ok?" I ask the girl as she rolls around the floor in obvious pain.

"No, it hurts right...HERE!" On the word "here" she punches me in the stomach playfully and runs out of the bedroom.

Even though I know she didn't punch as hard as she could've, Chandler still hit me with quite the jab.

A childish giggle escapes my mouth and I begin searching the house to see where Chan decided to hide.

I'm about to walk down the hall and into her small living room when I hear a loud thud and a "shit!" come from the opposite direction.

I turn around and start creeping into the guest room where her voice sounded like it came from.

I don't see anything and am just getting ready to leave in order to search the next room but am stopped when Chandler suddenly races up and jumps on my back.

I laugh and we both tumble to the ground next to the guest bed.

It's hard to think that just a little while ago Chandler didn't even want to speak to me and now we're playing around together in her apartment.

I pull Chan onto my lap and start to play with her hair as her big greens eyes look up at me.

"I love you," I say to her after sharing an intimate kiss,

"I love you too," she answers, and I'm almost 400% positive that my heart flies out of my chest when she does.

"Guess what," Chan says after a little while of cuddling.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"I had a doctors appointment yesterday."

Quickly I prop up at attention, eager to hear what Chan has to tell.

"He said that everything was looking good and pretty soon they'll be able to tell the sex," she says proudly.

"That's great Chan," I assure, pulling her closer to me, "that's really great."

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