Chapter 6 - Slug

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After a much-needed shower, Leena walked out to the kitchen fashioned in a black tank top and some pink pajama shorts adorned with rubber duckies. She sighed, partially in disdain and partially in relief that Twyn was still passed out at the kitchen counter.

"Is he dead? Should we poke him with a stick? I can go get a stick," Shej joked, walking past her and carefully reaching over Twyn to get a glass for some juice. He thought about the safer route of just summoning a glass, but he had never realized how much source would be consumed in such extenuating acts. No wonder men have actually fucked themselves to death before, he thought.

Leena stepped up to her brother and placed her hand gently on his back, rubbing softly to try ease him awake. "Twyn? Time to wake up."

It took some attempt, but Twyn finally started to rouse, groaning something incoherent about his sister getting married.

Shej caught something he would have rather not heard and before he filled his glass with juice, he summoned it full of ice water. Seeing that Leena wasn't reacting, he figured she didn't catch it like he had. "Stand back, Leena." Without much warning, he inserted himself between the twins and poured the water over the back of Twyn's head, Twyn instantly jumping to his feet shouting obscenities.

He froze with his arms slightly out to his sides as ice water dripped off him, looking at Shej who was holding the glass but with arms folded across his chest, Leena standing behind him with wide eyes and hands over her mouth in shock.

"Damn, not dead. That's too bad." Shej was glaring but unmoved.


"I'm...gonna go get some towels," Leena said as she quickly made for the laundry room.

Once Leena had left the room, he pursed his lips for a moment. "I don't particularly like what you just had to say about your sister's choice in husbands. People are peculiarly more honest when they're drunk, or half-asleep. And you were both."

Twyn's shoulders dropped, letting his arms rest at his side. He briefly thought he was only dreaming about his sister getting married but the memories were flooding in the more conscious he actually became.

"I thought you liked the idea of having me as your brother, and we've been best friends for nearly half our lives. Yet here you are in your waking state, bumbling that you expected your sister to marry wealthy...disgusted that she took a slug who was only interested in her body? Fuck you!" Shej snarled.

Twyn's eyes went wide, not realizing it was said out loud. He started stumbling for words.

"You're lucky that Leena didn't catch what you said," Shej continued before Twyn had a chance to say anything. "Because if you hurt my wife's heart with words like that...I don't care who you are to us, I would have you reduced to a bloody shred and left in a forest cabin to rot and think about your idiocy." Shej got right up into Twyn's face and growled, throwing the glass across the kitchen and it shattering on a cupboard door before he shoved Twyn backwards, "I'm not a slug and you know it! Don't you fucking dare be a 'Matty' too."

Twyn still didn't have time to respond before Leena reappeared, running back after hearing the glass shatter.

"Boys! Whoa!" she yelled seeing them nose to nose, Shej having Twyn backed against the kitchen sink. She thrust the towel into Twyn's chest then pushed Shej back, putting herself and some distance between them. "What the hell just happened?"

Shej's attitude changed instantly and he picked her up, moving her just out of the kitchen. "Nothing Leens, just a little disagreement. Be careful, there's glass on the floor."

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