Chapter 39 - Hot Water

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"That's not how this works!" Sheja playfully complained. "Let me see!" She turned the fabric back in as she reached her hands into his pockets herself and gently started rummaging around.

"Hey!" he laughed again. He closed his eyes and another little groan escaped him as her hands inside his pockets brushed against him. "Teasing like this is not nice," he growled wantingly, his body starting to ache more. He hated how much torment she was able to inflict on him with a simple graze of her hands in his pockets. "I could go get one, but then everyone will know what we're up to while we're up to it," he said, trying to keep the struggle out of his voice.

"You being a liar is not nice," she said with a grin, pulling a little square packet out of his pocket.

Twyn's eyes went wide, not having even put a thought towards Sheja's Creation abilities let alone his own. He snatched the little piece of foil out of her hands and quickly tore it open.

Sheja chuckled quietly at his reaction, her heart racing as he turned away from her for a moment, able to tell he was slipping it on as his head bent down. She wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed herself up against his back, laying her hands flat on his chest and stomach. As he stood up straight and adjusted his shorts momentarily back up to cover himself, she could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"Sheja?" Twyn's voice was soft and he almost sounded strained.

"Hmm?" A smile reached across her lips hearing him used her female name more and more.

He turned around and she could see the mental fight he was having with himself spelled out on his face. He pulled her against him again and kissed her gently, his hands holding onto her hips with the need he felt. After a moment, he trailed the kisses along her jaw and wrapped his arms all the way around her as his kisses reached her weakest spot, right below her ear. "Are you certain about this? Really certain I can have you for tonight?" he whispered in her ear as he held onto her tightly.

She could hear the pain as he struggled with his want. "I told you, this is your chance to make up my mind."

"I can't do that, Sheja. Not for something like this."

She smiled. This was her Twyn. Her heart was fixing to race right out of her chest and she fought back the nervousness creeping in again as she pulled herself away just enough to put her hands flat on his stomach and let them trail down his body. Her fingertips lead the way, slipping into the front of his shorts and once the waistband was over her knuckles, she looked up at him with a bashful smile as she unhitched them again. She slid her hands around to his sides, lowering his shorts several inches below his hips. She blushed several shades seeing his cock for the first time. "Jesus...Twyn, we might have another problem," she said softly.

Twyn kept his eyes closed while letting Sheja pave the way, his body quivering as her hands gently took hold of his shaft under the water. He let out a soft gasp as he tried to keep his voice somewhere along normal sounding, "Problem?" As hard as he tried, he couldn't hide the quiver in his voice.

"I think you're too big," she chuckled. "I barely can't even circle my fingers around it!"

A soft laugh escaped him in a short burst at her admission, that being the last thing he expected to hear as a problem.

"I'm serious!"

"Well then, if it's too big for you, I guess I'm just going to have to hurt you a little," he said, leaning back in close and growling teasingly in her ear. "I'll make it fit."

Her eyes went a bit wide at how daring his words were, goosebumps littering her skin. "You'd purposely hurt me?" she teased. "I thought this was a pool, not a dungeon."

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