Chapter 60 - Falling Apart

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"Where are you going?" Leena asked, clearly upset as Shej came down the stairs fully clothed and looking like he had a purpose.

"Out," he replied flatly as he sat on the bench next to the front door and slipped into his shoes. He didn't look up at her.

"Shej, you've been going 'out' for the last almost, what? Three weeks?" She made sure both girls were situated in their bassinets before walking over and blocking the door as Shej stood. "You leave in the afternoon almost immediately after you wake up. You don't come home until way after I've fallen asleep. Where are you going?" she asked again.

"Just...out," he replied as he tried to push past her, but Leena wasn't having any of it and continued to block his way. He sighed, his eyes finally meeting hers. He tried to keep his emotions flat as he saw her eyes start to well. "I can't tell you."

"You promised me if you needed help with something, I would be the first you came to."

"Not for this."

"Yes, Shej. For everything!" she cried at him.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "But not this. It's not the time."

"Did I do something wrong? Is it because I got mad at you?" Leena asked as she reached up and touched his chest with both hands, trying to be sensual with him as she brushed her body against his. "Without warning, you suddenly stopped having anything to do with me... You haven't touched me let alone look at me for more than two minutes since then. What did I do?" she asked, her voice having dropped to a sort of quiet plea for information.

"You've done nothing wrong, baby. I've just been so tired when I get home," he replied with a sigh, closing his eyes and keeping his hands at his sides instead of reaching up and returning her affection. He felt Leena's body jump as there was a loud knock on the door behind her and it began to open.

"Hey, you r...oh, sorry," Twyn said as he started to open the door and it gently bumped into Leena's backside.

Shej gently moved Leena off to one side and out of the way after grabbing his jacket. "I won't be home for a few nights," he said, his voice still flat. "If something comes up and you need anything before then, reach out to Cer."

As Twyn started to open the door further, she quickly pushed it shut again, forcing him back outside and again trying to keep Shej in. "Few nights? Shej, when do you plan to stay home with the girls? I get it if you don't want to give me any attention, but do you even care about them not getting your attention?" Leena growled, the mix of pain and anger in her voice now. "Did you just somehow forget that you're a father now? You wanted to give me children I always dreamed of but refuse to stay and be a parent too?"

"Leena, stop it."

"No! Answer me, Shej! Where are you going?"

"I'm going out. Now move," he demanded this time, forcing past her and opening the door as his patience grew thin.

As Shej walked past him, Twyn briefly saw his sister standing looking dumbstruck in the entryway before his friend had shut the door again. "What the hell did you just do to her?"

"Don't start on me," he said solemnly and kept walking toward the path down the hill.

"I will start on you if I have to," Twyn barked quietly. "You stay right there. I'm gonna talk to her for a minute."

"Twyn, don't you dare—" Shej started to hiss.

"I'm not going to let you leave her in that state of mind, you fucking twat," Twyn scolded. Much to Shej's chagrin, he opened the front door again and saw Leena on the floor where she had been standing. He sighed. "Come on, sis. On your feet," he said as he helped her up.

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