Chapter 57 - Otherworld

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Twyn laid Sheja's hand flat on Lydia's shoulder as Lydia leaned over his sister, keeping his hand pressed down on top of hers. Sheja's eyes still stared forward as he shut his own, focusing on allowing Lydia to take what she needed from him. He held his other arm tight around Sheja's middle, leaning his forehead into the crook of her neck. "She's going to be okay," he murmured silently into Sheja's shoulder, trying to sound convincing. "She promised she wouldn't leave."

Sheja's heart pounded in her chest as a purple glow began to spread before her but her eyes weren't facing its source. She could feel Lydia pulling energy from her but it was different than any time she had merged her source with Twyn or Leena's. A wave of something strong and foreign surged through her as words started to tumble from Lydia's lips. Once again, she recognized them from when she herself had died. Even though the words were foreign and sometimes seemed incoherent, she could somehow understand and feel their meaning. The words radiated around feelings of life, death, struggle, a search...darkness, light, warmth...warmth... Sheja suddenly found herself feeling warm.

"Yaya?" Cerno asked, suddenly concerned seeing her eyes drift shut and her head slowly droop down. He looked at Lydia who clearly was far from finished and he walked over to check if he needed to remove her hand from Lydia.

"Leena?" Shej asked, looking around and realizing he was standing in the middle of darkness in his male façade. He felt confused.

"Shej?" the angelic voice replied with a bit of surprise. "Why are you here?"

"I don't know," he answered.

"Please don't tell me you left the world, too."

"No, I don't think I've died..." Shej said, looking down at his hands and giving his surroundings another glance. He couldn't see anything. A thought hit him, quickly bringing him back to his senses, "Died...that's why I'm here. Leena, I need you to come back with me."

"I've been trying," she answered, but her voice was weak. "I can hear Lydia calling for me."

Shej chuckled. "Guess I found you first. Come to me..."

"I can't see you. I can't see anything." Her voice was slow and somber.

"That's okay. Follow my voice," he coaxed.

"Shej, I just want to go to sleep...I don't want to walk anymore. I've been walking for what feels like forever."

He swallowed hard knowing the pull she was experiencing. She had only been gone for minutes, but he knew those minutes in here could equate to days. "I know but baby, I need you to come to me. If you go to sleep now, you'll leave me forever. Please don't leave me."

There was silence.

"Leenasera, talk to me," he urged.

"Only my brother uses my full name in that tone..." Leena's voice drifted airily.

"He uses it when he's mad or worried. And I'm worried."



More silence.

"Are...are you leaving me?"

"Why would I leave you?" she finally answered. Her voice was so weak.

"Because of my sins," he said softly, thankful to hear her voice again.

"You carry no sins, Sheja..."

"I still wish that was true."

"They aren't sins..."

Slowly, a softly glowing figure with stunning red hair started to come out of the shadows. Shej gasped and let out a soft, relieved laugh seeing her. "There you are, beautiful. I've missed you."

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