Chapter 11 - Saorsa

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Leena let out a sigh, watching sights pass them by. "It been almost a year and every town, village, city and metropolis that we've come across has been just like Sundres, only a different amount of people. Should we start thinking about going home?"

"If this lead we gathered from the last village doesn't pan out, then yes, maybe it's time to call defeat and head back to Sundres."

"That guy was so drunk though! He fell off the stool in the middle of telling you about this Saorsa place."

Shej laughed. "That was pretty funny."

"Shej, what if he didn't know what he was talking about?"

"People tell their truths when they are drunk or in a half-asleep state. I think he was speaking the truth about this place." He reached over and took her hand, squeezing it. "I have a good feeling about this one. And we should be arriving in the next few hours, he said it was exactly two days east. It's just past nine in the morning, and we left Tolatheid at half past eleven, two days ago."

Leena spent the next hour writing her daily letter to Twyn. She created a pigeon-like bird out of fire, rolled down her window, and the bird would take flight, taking the letter along with it. In the evenings, a green bird would return to her with a reply from Twyn.

"I hope they're doing well," Leena said softly. "I've been worried sick after she fell ill and lost the first baby. Twyn hasn't said much in his letters about their second pregnancy, but by my calculations, she should be due any time if all is well."

"Have you directly asked him?"

"No, I've been too afraid to pry. But no letters have come with tear stains like before, so I just pray he'll have great news to tell us soon."

"Leens, look," Shej said, pointing over the steering wheel.

Up in the distance, a wall could be seen, and over it from their angle, they could make out the twinkling of the sun shining off of rooftops.

"Is that Saorsa? It looks too small to be a city, but too big to be considered a village." She sat up straight and strained her eyes a bit. "And protected by a wall?"

As they approached the wall, Shej slowed the car, stopping at a small hut. A woman came out and smiled at him. "Mr. Angevin, good afternoon." She looked past him at Leena and smiled. "And to you as well, ma'am. Let me get the gates for you."

Shej's heart nearly stopped. He looked at Leena in confusion and she shrugged, neither one of them knowing how the woman knew his name.

As they drove into the city, they admired how clean and easy it was to get around. Shej stopped the car in a side lot near a lodging.

"Shall we check into this lodge and walk around a bit, see what we can find?"

Leena nodded and went to check them in while Shej grabbed the essentials from the trunk of the car.

"How did she know who I was?" he groaned mostly to himself, unpacking one of their bags into a set of dresser drawers. He turned to her, his voice filled with hope, "Was she psychic? Do you think we found it?"

Leena paused. "I...I don't know. Why would she be so open about being a Taboo if most of the world is against women having sources?"

"Maybe because she's safe here? That wall was giving off a magical aura."

"Then maybe? Let's go scout around the downtown and pick up some foods. If we're going to spend some time here, we need to stock our little pantry. Maybe we might see something."

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