Chapter 58 - Good Morning

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Sheja groaned softly as the sun shone in through the window and directly on her face. She slowly turned over onto her back and reached up to rub her face. Mid-rub, she paused after realizing she was moving. Excitement built up in her chest as she held her hands away from her face and clenched them several times without issue and noticed the irritating tingling was gone. "Leena?" she asked, looking around the room and realizing Leena lying flat on her back next to her. Her eyes glistened with tears that threatened to fall as she watched her wife intensely, not even taking a breath as she sat perfectly still.

Leena's chest slowly and rose and fell as she breathed.

Sheja let out a huge sigh of relief as she leaned over her wife and admired her beautiful face. "I love you, Leenasera. Oh god, how I love you, you amazing woman..." she said softly as she lowered her face to Leena's and kissed her gently. A hand softly raised up and touched her side and caused Shej to lean back in surprise. The smile and pair of emerald-green eyes shining brilliantly yet sleepily up at her made her heart leap. "How are you feeling?" she asked in almost a whisper.

"My body is tired but otherwise I feel just fine," she replied, her hand drifting up to Sheja's cheek. "You're moving long was I gone?"

Sheja looked at the clock next to the bed. It said "Jan 05" in the bottom corner. "Just for the night by the looks of it." She laid her hand on Leena's chest over her heart and she chuckled, a tear falling from her eyes as she lowered her head. "Jesus, gave me a scare. For a moment, I thought I wasn't getting you back."

"You weren't kidding when you said that place was difficult," she said, running her hand along the top of Sheja's head. "But hey, we both kept our promises. You kept me safe, and I came back."

Sheja smiled at her before leaning down and kissing her again. A needy sigh escaped her chest as Leena's arms wrapped around her shoulders. After being stuck in a body that she couldn't move for several days and trapped silently in her own mind, she needed Leena's closeness, her embrace, her attention. "We need to get you back to full strength," she whispered, her hand running under Leena's shirt and gently running up her less rotund abdomen. "Need to get you healthy enough that I can wear you down again."

"Down girl," Leena giggled, sliding one leg gently up Sheja's side as Sheja crawled over her a little further. "I can't imagine the torture you've gone through the last few days... Couldn't even masturbate your dirty thoughts away," she teased with the cruelest of grins.

Sheja groaned, laying her forehead on Leena's shoulder. "Don't remind me."

Suddenly there was a loud grumble and it nearly sounded angry. Sheja's eyes met Leena's as they both realized it came from Leena's stomach.

"Is that so?" Sheja laughed.

"I'm surprised my stomach hasn't protested sooner! Early yesterday morning was the last time I ate anything...and even then, I only had some toast."

Sheja let out a sound full of want. "Mmm...buttered toast...maybe some bacon and eggs...potatoes...pancakes?"

"How about a smoothie?" Leena asked with another grin.

Sheja instantly glared at her.

Leena burst into a soft fit of laughter. "Ow, no laughing...don't make me laugh!" she cried through her laughter, her body writhing below Sheja's. Her body had been mostly healed but it still ached from the stress it had endured.

Sheja chuckled. "Freaking get you a smoothie..." she mumbled jokingly as she rolled back onto her own side of the bed. As footfalls could be heard approaching their door, she rolled into the position Cerno would lay her down in and put her finger to her lips.

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