Chapter 18 - The Gift

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Over the next few weeks, Leena seemed to be doing well physically and for the most part mentally. With her improvement, Twyn forced himself to return to Sundres but with the promise Leena would write daily to him again. Before he got in his car, there was clearly something he wanted to talk to Leena about, but to her dismay he refrained.

"Not yet," he said before promising her he would talk to her about it when they came back to Sundres. He placed his hands firmly just forward of her sides and closed his eyes, "Just please, stay healthy. Please? Promise me."

"I promise, Twyn. For Shej, and for you."

He leaned down and kissed her cheek, holding her a bit longer. "I love you, Leenasera. Home isn't the same without you."

"You should move here. Ily would love it."

"Cerno and I have spoken. It will all depend on you in the next few weeks."


Twyn nodded. "If Shej..." He paused, the words painful. "...if his health turns and this takes him, would you still stay?"

She thought for a moment, not liking the thought of Shej succumbing to his source failing, but facing the fact that it was still very possible. "Maybe. It is still a very beautiful and very loving city."

"Well, let's play it by ear then. But know that, yes, I have considered moving us here to be with you."

Leena smiled.

"Be safe, baby sister," he said softly, his eyes glossy as he ruffled her hair just slightly and got in his car.

Every day after Twyn left, she would spend all of her spare time at the hospital curled up next to Shej—much to the nurses' disapproval—and kept him warm as she talked to him. She laid there telling him stories and hoping he could hear her, and even more so wishing he could join in. And to her happiness, each following day when she arrived, she would notice his heartbeat was a little stronger than the day before. His slowly improving heartbeat made everyone hopeful that her warming him up each day was working, and it was the only reason they continued to let her crawl into the bed and lie with him. They would cover him with warm blankets throughout the night, but it never seemed to have the same effect.

Almost six weeks after Shej had collapsed, she walked into the room and most of the tubes connected to him were gone, only monitor wires and one tube forcing him to breathe remained.

"Why did they removed those? Do you not need them anymore?" she asked Shej as if he would answer her. Leena smiled, "Your heartbeat sounds strong today. And it's good to see that you're finally getting some noticeable color back, too."

She climbed into the bed and laid against him, noticing his skin wasn't as cold as normal. She ran her hand against his chest and sighed.

"I miss you," she whispered softly. "Every day has been so lonely, and nights are terrifying without you. Will you wake up for me? I need you to come home...I need you."

The hours had passed too quickly and she reluctantly stood to return to the manor as visiting hours came to an end. As she walked up the hallway and was just about to step into the elevator, there was a loud crashing sound that came from back in the direction of Shej's room and suddenly four Healers ran past in a full sprint. She quickly turned and followed, her heart racing in fear since she knew Shej was the only patient on this floor.

"Mr. Angevin, I need to remove the tube, hold still!" a male Healer could be heard. "It's going to be uncomfortable but it'll allow you to breathe easier!"

Suddenly there was gasping and sputtering followed by intense coughing, but the sound was almost drowned out by all the Healers barking requests and commands at one another. The heart rate monitor was beeping wildly.

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