Chapter 37 - Evil's Plan

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"Madeleine, thank you for meeting us," Cerno said, taking the young girl's hand and kissing it politely. He looked up at the front of the City Hall building.

"How are you holding up, Master Cerno?" she asked softly.

He smiled at her, "Please, just Cer or Cerno since you'll soon be part of my family. And I will be better once I have justice for my sister. I know I've asked a lot of you recently, and I'm sorry."

"Cerno, you asked me to be a part of your Guardians and I accepted. That makes this part of my job for you," she assured him. Cerno could feel the warmth of her smile even though the air was crisp and the snow was still about a foot and a half deep all around them.

"I know, but some of the visions you're having to endure shouldn't have to be seen by someone your age," he advised. "And for that, I am truly sorry for."

Rosalie reached out and took Madeleine's hands. "You will have to go in to see Salashai alone with another guard, we won't be able to go in with you. But there isn't anything to worry about and no questions you need to ask. Just rewind her past and bring it back to us."

"Huh? Why can't you go in with me?"

"Because I will kill her before you can get any answers," Cerno said without hesitation, lowering his head. "And Rosalie is the only one keeping me from taking that path. I hope you understand."

"I do," she said, taking her hands out of Rosalie's and folding them in front of herself. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Thank you again," Cerno said with a smile. He lead the way up to the building, opening the doors for the ladies.

The lobby was brightly lit and people wandered about taking care of their businesses. Cerno noticed Madeleine look towards the large wooden doors to their right, the room on the other side having held the Gala the night before. His own eyes fell upon the golden lettering above the door that said 'Kinsley Hall.' He sighed softly and Madeleine turned forward again, dropping her face toward the floor. He reached out to press the call button for the elevator and it lit very briefly, the doors immediately opening and a bell dinged to announce it's availability. As they stepped into the elevator, Rose waved her hand in front of a small box before pressing a button labeled "B3". There was a soft beep before the button lit up and the doors closed. The elevator gently began to descend and within a minute, the small box stopped and the doors opened again, revealing a darker and less welcoming hallway.

"I've never been down here," Madeleine said quietly. She drew her cloak around herself a little tighter as her own voice softly echoed off the bare cement walls.

Cerno walked in front of the ladies down the hallway, stopping at a desk manned by one guard in front of a secured door. After they talked for a moment, the door opened and another guard stood properly at attention in front of them, giving a bow to them.

Madeleine leaned back slightly as the man gave off a powerful and dark feeling.

"Maddie, this is Vaughn. He was one of my first friends in the Guardianship and he's going to accompany you down to see Salashai," Rose said. "Thank you for watching out for her in my place, Vaughn. It means a lot."

He suddenly smiled brightly and the darkness Madeleine felt instantly lifted. "It's my pleasure, Rose. Shall we, miss?"

Madeleine looked up at Cerno and Rose one more time before walking over to Vaughn and following him into the secured area. The hallway on this side of the door was even more unwelcoming.

"Why does this place feel so unnerving?" she asked quietly.

"To make anyone who has to spend any time in here locked up not want to return," he answered. "The woman you're coming to see, she's down at the far end, we've kept her isolated. She saw in someone's thoughts that you were coming and got pretty wild so we had to strap her down. She went completely mad and might be a little noisy, but she can't hurt you."

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