Chapter 61 - Isla Sera

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" built this?" Leena asked in awe. Now she really wasn't sure if she was truly awake or dreaming. This island and suddenly having her husband back was too magnificent to be real.

"Mm hmm," he murmured as he brushed her hair away from her neck and gently kissed her flesh. "There was nothing here three weeks ago. I created the dock first to have something to stand on, and then I created the land which took the longest. I would continue until I needed to rest. Last week, I realized I needed help from someone else with creation magic otherwise it was going to take even longer, so I asked Twyn. And the last three days was the final touches of green, and the cabana that awaits you."

She let out a little huff as she started crying. "Am I still dreaming?" she asked, turning and looking up at him. "Are both you and this island really real? Am I still asleep on the couch? Seriously, I can't handle this if I wake up and it's all gone..."

Shej reached down and teasingly pinched Leena's butt.


"Does that answer your question?"

Leena started laughing, the happiness finally radiating freely off of her. "This...this is so amazing, Shej."

"Am I forgiven?" he chuckled.

"Not quite, no," she answered with a chuckle. She walked over to the water and let a gentle wave wash over her feet. Even the water was warm. A surprised squeak escaped her as she suddenly got pelted in the back by something soft. Turning around, she saw a piece of fabric in a pile on the ground and as she looked up at Shej, he stood shirtless with a grin. She laughed. "What was that for?"

"To get your attention," he said playfully. As he approached her, he cupped his hands along her jawline and leaned in to kiss her passionately. As the kiss broke, he looked deep into her eyes and smiled. "Mrs. Angevin, I do believe I owe you an after party," he admitted softly, letting his hands trail down to her sides. "To make up for being such an asshole, would three full days of pleasuring you sans interruption be sufficient enough to make you forgive me?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided yet," she snickered as she leaned against him.

"What would you like to do first, my queen of her very own island?" he chuckled. "We have everything we need. Food, snorkel gear, sunscreen, blankets and towels..."

"...a bed?" Leena asked softly.

Shej's heart leapt at the edge of velvet that brushed his ears. "Straight to the most important item, I see?" He chuckled, taking her hand in his and kissing her fingers. "Why need a bed when we have a whole island? Why not right here?"

Shej's voice was seductive and serious but she couldn't help but laugh. "Somehow I don't think sand would be very comfortable in certain places," she advised.

"Fair point," he laughed in agreeance. As their laughter died down, he gently reached up and caressed Leena's cheek. "Would you like some breakfast first? You look like you haven't eaten in days," he asked, concerned because it would be because of him and the way he treated her that she hadn't ate.

"Just nibbles here and there," she replied. "I wasn't really all that hungry. I was too mad at you to be hungry."

Shej smiled and nodded his head toward the cabana. "Let me make you something to eat then. You'll need your energy after all," he teased. As Leena continued to look around their little personal paradise, Shej put together and set out an offering of breakfast items for her. He smiled as she went for some of her usual go-to's—oatmeal with fresh fruit, some scrambled eggs, and a few pieces of bacon.

The cabana was simple—a little section for a kitchenette and table to eat at, a bathroom to the back, and in the main area where it was most open was a king-sized four-poster canopy bed.

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