Chapter 2

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I closed my laptop. So they figured out I was coming. "Kita" was the Maron Shimizu. And the Maron Shimizu really wasn't Maron Shimizu. She was Akane Nagoya, which was me. I flipped my red hair back. Well, they were right. I was coming back, but as a new person. For a time. I would have to reveal who I really am, at least to her old friends. I looked out the window of the train. It was quiet on the way, no one disturbing me, only people coming when I called for it. Just the way I liked it. The announcement came on: "Next stop: Ikebukuro station. Stop in five minutes." I sighed. Time to go back to the itchy brunette wig. But I have to keep a disguise, so as to not have another run in with the Yellow Scarves. I put on my black leather jacket, grabbed my bag, adjusted my blue glasses and headed for the door.

As promised, five minutes after the announcement, I arrived in Ikebukuro.  I walked out and kept walking for a bit, knowing how busy Ikebukuro was, especially the station. I paced around, and found Russian Sushi. Ah, memories flooded of me and Izaya always coming here, or me and "Shi-san." Sure enough, I found Simon Breshnev. I called out to him. Simon turned and saw me. He had a confused look on his face.

"Come, and try Russian sushi. Is good," Simon said in his thick Russian accent. I wink at him.

"Well, Simon, I didn't think you'd forget one of your best clients. Just because I went AWOL for 11 years doesn't give you the excuse to forget me," I  joked. I reached up and whispered, since Simon wasn't getting it. "It's me, Akane." Simon's eyes widened and a wide grin reached from ear to ear.

"Well, since it's you, have free sushi. Shizuo is in there right now. I will get Izaya," the bear of a man said.

"Don't tell Izaya it's me. Tell him a certain fellow information broker is here and wants to talk. Tell him 'Maron' wants to see him. Please, Simon?" I implored. Simon's eyes widened in confusion. But he sighed and agreed. I smiled and walked into the restaurant, and sat where I used to sit. Right next to me was a tall, handsome,  blonde man with a lit cigarette in his mouth. He had an angry face, almost as if he was to rip out a pole and whack someone with it. His face was very familiar. Was this Shi-san? I wasn't sure if it was him, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Or maybe it could?

"Are you Shizuo Heiwajima?" I ask tentatively. The man looked at me.

"What if I am? Who are you anyway?" The gruff man interrogated in an annoyed voice.

I leaned in to his ear. "It's me, Akane. Akane Nagoya. A friend." The man's mouth gaped open. He turned to me before him. I could see the expressionwas on his face. No, it couldn't be. He grabbed my hand.

"What was my nickname?" he cried out softly. "Shi-san," I said with a smile. Shizuo pulled me into a tight hug. His expression softened to the point he started to smile. I saw a person in a black motorcycle suit and a helmet with cat ears.

"Celty? It's me, AN." I didn't dare to use my full name in fear of the Yellow Scarves. Celty looked excited. She typed in her PDA rapidly.

Akane, is it really you? Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much we missed you. Shinra always sulks when we mention you. I am glad you are back.

"Hey, Shinra remembers me? And I missed you guys too," I said.

They all began eating and talking about the times they had together for about two hours. I glanced at my wristwatch and frowned when I realized Izaya wasn't coming.

"Well, guys, I have to go. I have to settle into my room at the hotel until I find a place. See you guys later," I excused myself. Celty typed into her PDA. I can give you a ride. Things have changed a bit around here.

"Sure, I don't mind."

We exited with a word of departure to Shizuo. Once they excited, I realized something.

"Hey, Celty, do you know a guy named Izaya Orihara? He was my best friend and I kinda need to see him because of some business."

Celty shuddered and nodded.

Why do you need that creep? I can't stand him. Then, Celty seemed to remember something. No, it can't be. Izaya used to think about you quite often. I can't believe you were his first best friend. I don't know how you guys got along.

"Long story. And how come you think he is so bad? Sure, he isn't the nicest person around, but what happened to Izaya?"

Since you left, it seems Izaya had gotten even darker and more untrustworthy. I don't know how he was before, but I guess he has changed since you ... left.

I mused over this. Izaya? What happened?

"Can you take me to him? Simon went after, but he isn't back. I'm worried."

I don't really know where stays, but I can have Shinra contact him. But I wouldn't worry about Simon. He's tough.

"But, Celty, I need to see Izaya. Not as Akane, but as Maron Shimizu. I have to take care of something. Celty, is there anyone you know who knows where he stays?"

Just as the dullahan was about to type, they heard Simon running up.

"Izaya is here. Sorry it took so long," said Simon. He looked as if he was holding a rope. Simon tugged on it, and there came a black-haired young man with auburn-red eyes. He looked uninterested. Until he saw me, or, rather "Maron." Then, the man smirked.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Maron Shimizu. Or, should I say, 'Kita-chan'. What brings you to Ikebukuro?" he said slyly. "I am Izaya Orihara, but you already knew, didn't you?" He laughed.

I smirked. "Izaya. You sure are quite the charmer. But I'm not here to discuss whether we should have a romance. I am here to talk business. You know, since we used to be friends," I say with venom. I scowl and push my glasses up. "You do remember me, don't you?"

Izaya stared at me. He shook his head with a smug grin. "I'm afraid, princess, I don't know who you are. And that would be a first. I am supposed to know all my little humans." I roll my eyes. Well, Celty was right. He is difficult. I turn to Simon. "You can let him go. I will take it from here. Celty, you'll help, right?" I ask. The dullahan nodded.

Izaya looked from me to her. "You know each other?" I looked at him, and nodded, not wanting to give him a hint as to who I am since he doesn't remember me. From what I've heard and from how long I've known him, he can figure out things extremely well, so I want him to figure it out. I untie him and eye him carefully. He has gotten taller and is very lean. He wore a jacket with a fur trim. His eyes were three inches above mine, and I thought I was tall. I poke finger to his chest.

"We need to talk," I demanded. He smirked and lowered his head to look into my eyes. More like look into my soul.

"Okay, you want to talk. Talk," he commanded.

"Not here. What about your office? Is that a private enough place to talk? I have something that is of utmost importance to speak to you," I explained. Izaya sighed.

"Fine." He looked at me with an icy stare. I matched it. Maybe, I was glaring daggers. He relented and turned to walk.

"Well, are you coming?" he said in a taunting voice. He had that smug grin of his, as if he had his prey.

I scowled, and started to follow him, waving goodbye apologetically to Celty and Simon.

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