Chapter 18

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I entered into Shizuo's apartment, making sure he was asleep, and I proceeded to pack my stuff. Luckily, I didn't have too much, so, I after quickly packing, I disguised myself as Maron. I then wrote a note for Shizuo, and I left it on the neatly made bed. Later, I silently exited the apartment, and started making my way to the train station.

I decided to make a quick stop by Celty's. I knocked on the familiar door. Shinra opened the door, as usual, and opened the door widely to let me in.

"Hey Shinra, thanks for letting me in. Is Celty here?" I asked hopefully.

"No, she is out on a job. Anything you want to talk about?" he said.

I sighed. "Well, I'm leaving."

"Why? You haven't been here that long. Why leave?"

"Well, it's about Izaya."

Shinra's eyebrows raised. Then, he let out a sigh.

"All right, let me hear it. After all, we were and are really good friends. I might help you out." Shinra smiled as he said this, and put a hand on my shoulder. I grinned back.

I then let everything loose. I told him everything. As I talked, Shinra listened intently, and when I finished telling my story, he asked me something that struck me dumb.

"Well, do you like him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Akane."

"Why do you ask?"

"Weeeeelllllll, Izaya sounds like he's acting like an elementary school kid with a huge crush. And you kind of sound like you have some feelings for our fellow information broker. So, I will repeat: do you like Izaya Orihara?"

I sat there, mute, contemplating everything Shinra said. Is that it? Am I hurt because of me having some feelings for Izaya, and him acting the way he does confuses me further. I mean, I admit, my heart beats extremely fast when I'm with him, and I do feel . . . different, around him. But is it really all? No, there is something there. It must be because of when we were kids. I was extremely close to Izaya then. We were each other's first best friend. We were each other's first kiss. What else happened then? And then, a memory ran me over like a train.


Izaya and I were at his cousin's wedding, which was a couple weeks after the failed double date with Chiaki, and we were at the reception. We were sitting outside the restaurant, where the reception was being held, on a bench, just talking, because we were a little overwhelmed with the atmosphere in there.

"Hey, Izaya thank you for inviting me to your cousin's wedding. I am having fun," I said.

"Well, of course I'd invite you. You're my best friend. Besides, I wouldn't be able to stand not being with something in all that hectic mess. And with no one to talk to."

"Awww, poor Izaya, feewing wonewy without wittle old me," I teased. He shot me a look that would have scared me had I known he was just getting his ego deflated by me, again.

"Anyway, how did your cousin and his fiancée meet?"

"Well, he told me that they were childhood best friends, and they grew up together, practically. They went to school together, they worked at the same place in school together, went on vacations together, etc. My cousin had a huge crush on her when they were in first grade, and every year after that. He was scared, because, you know, she was his best friend. So, in their last year of high school, the big dance was coming around, and my cousin so desperately wanted to ask her out. He was nervous, but his other friends pushed him, and he eventually asked her to the dance. She agreed to go with him. There at the dance, he admitted his feelings for her, and she admitted to having feelings for him as a kid, and still having them for him. They started dating, and, he proposed about a year ago, and now, here they are."

"That's a cute story." I said.

"Yeah. Can you imagine that they were best friends from add long as they could remember, and they ended up getting married to each other?" Izaya wondered.

"Hey, if we're not careful, we might end up getting married to each other," I joked. But secretly, I couldn't see him marrying anyone. Well, maybe anyone except me.

Izaya chuckled. "You know, that doesn't sound too bad, does it?"

I was taken aback by what he said. What did he mean?

"Akane, have you ever wondered about marriage? You know, if you want it, or how your lifestyle would be like, or somethinglike that?"

I thought about it. I did want to get married and have a family with the one I loved. For some reason, Izaya's face kept popping when I imagined getting married. He was my fiancé, my husband, the father of my kids, someone I'd grow old with, etc.

"For some reason, Izaya, you are in every vision I have when I think about love. You're my boyfriend, fiancé, husband, etc. For some reason, my heart feels like it couldn't see you marrying anyone else."

Izaya nodded his head. "Same."

"You know, being married to you doesn't sound too bad."

"You know, Aka-chan, you're right. I think being married to you would be great. Of course, you'd have me, the amazing, wonderful, manly Izaya," he teased.

"Oh, get over yourself," I said, but my cheeks were going red. My heart was beating fast. I turned my face downward, and then I felt his lips lightly touch my cheek. My face probably went as red as my hair.

Then, Izaya grabbed my hand, and pulled me close into a great bear hug.

"So, Akane, we've settled it. We're gonna get married to each other."



"Hello, earth to Akane, what were you thinking about?" Shinra's voice pulled me out of my memory. I snapped out of it.

I told Shinra my memory.

"Yup, you definitely like him. If he clouds your thoughts this much and you remember all the sweet memories that you've had with him, you are probably even in love with him."

I sighed. My heart was beating like crazy as I was thinking of Izaya.

"I think you should go back to Izaya and straighten it out," Shinra suggested.

"You know what, I will. Thanks Shinra."

"No prob, Akane. I'm glad I could help without stitching you back together."

I laughed. "Funny, Shinra. Well, see you later. And tell Celty that I dropped by."

"I will. Bye Akane-san."

"Bye Shinra."

I walked out with my stuff towards Shinjuku. As I was walking by an alley, I felt a rough, calloused hand go around my mouth, and pull me into the darkness. I fought with my might, but I couldn't get my attacker off me. I then felt a towel go around my nose and mouth. It was chloroform! I fought it for as long as I could, but the darkness overcame me.

This wasn't good.

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