Chapter 26

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I couldn't remember what happened the rest of that night. I just remember that everything was rosy, because Izaya had proposed. I wondered when he had gotten the ring. Not that it mattered. This trip was turning out to be even better than I could have hoped.

Today we were coming back home from our three-day trip. We decided to make a pit stop, and since we were getting hungry, we decided to eat dinner at some ramen shop. Izaya decided to ask this question.

"So, when do you want the wedding to be? How is it going to be?" Ok, two questions.

I thought about it for awhile. Most weddings were in June, which is a good month, considering the month was commemorated by the Romans to Juno, the goddess of marriage and fidelity. But I felt like that would be cliche. But I didn't want it in May, because in Romania, it was considered bad luck to get married then. I didn't want to do it in wintertime, as it was too cold, but fall wasn't ideal either. Summer seems the most ideal. I guess June it is.

Now, how is the wedding going to be? Well, probably not very big. Celty, Shinra, Shizuo, Kasuka, maybe Mairu and Kururi. Oh, maybe I should invite some of my other friends that aren't in Ikebukuro. Which reminds me . . .

"I am not sure. But, maybe what can help me in my decision making is if I -"

"Draw up a decision matrix?" Izaya joked. I smirked.

"That, and meeting up with some of my friends that I made outside of Ikebukuro."

"You mean, you want to go out of town? Again? And leave me in Shinjuku and Ikebukuro, all alone, with nobody to help me fend off little Shizu-chan," he said dramatically, smirking the whole time.

"Yes, that is what it means for me to go out of town. You know, just me to go visit some of my friends. Outside of Ikebukuro. Leaving you all alone," I said sarcastically. "Although, I don't know if I can trust you by yourself. You are a bit too playful, and you get to be a little dangerous without me. Maybe a little unstable."

"Hey! I got on fine without you!" he retorted. I gave him my scariest glare.

"Oh, I guess you don't need me. I see. I mean, I totally wanted to get abducted. Yeah, such fun. I was totally the happiest person alive when I got taken away, just joy. Yeah, I totally wanted to test your independence without me all these years," I said coldly. I stood up from the table that we were at, and stormed out of the shop. My eyes, that were welling with tears at that point, decided to empty its contents. How could he say something like that? I mean, it wasn't my fault that I got kidnapped. It was a miracle that I escaped from them relatively unscathed. And Izaya just had to throw that at my face?! I could tell that he was doing just fine without me, he didn't need me.

I was too absorbed in my anguish, that I didn't notice that Izaya was chasing after me, and he grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It was very insensitive, even for me, and you deserve better than that," he said gently. My eyes widened at his words. I then embraced him back. I felt bad, because I felt that I got upset over something really petty. I should have known that the remark wasn't intentional. But, as it has happened before, my feelings dictated my actions rather than my brain once again.

"I am sorry I was stupid Iza-chan. I know you didn't mean it, it just . . . it struck a nerve," I sobbed.

His arms tightened around me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I hope you can forgive me." I nodded. Then, Izaya kissed the top of my head, and picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder.

"Wh-wh- Izaya?! What are you doing?" I asked, freaking out.

"Taking you into the car. We still haven't eaten food, and I think that if we went back in there, we would have some strange stares. I don't mind, because they will eventually think about how amazing I am, and how good looking I am, but I know you would be uncomfortable, and your happiness is of utmost importance to me. Funny, I never thought that some human's well-being would enslave me," he joked. I took my hand, and I Maka-chopped his head. Yes, I love Soul Eater, sue me.

"Hey, what was that for?" he asked, grinning. I shook my head. Eventually, he set me in the car, and he got in the driver's seat, and drove to some nice hotel that also had a nice Italian restaurant. It loked very European villa-esque.

"Why at a hotel?" I asked.

"Because, if you haven't noticed, my nocturnal blood-sucking bat, it is night. We need sleep, even you, my lovely human."

"What do you mean, nocturnal blood-sucking bat?"

"Well, you don't seem fazed by the fact that it is getting dark, and you don't seem tired at all. And blood-sucking bat, because they are nocturnal, and it's a reference to your heritage as being partially Romanian. Now, I am going to check us in for a room, and we can go in and eat."

I sat down on a couch, and Izaya goes to the check-in counter, where a curvaceous, sultry woman checked him in. Then, she grabbed his arm, and she purrs at him, not as silent as she would have hoped.

"I can come into your room, and make that up for two, if you know what I mean."

What?! Does she really have the gall?!

"Trying to seduce me, now, are we? You humans are interesting. Anyway, we shall see about that," Izaya said.

Wh-IZAYA?! Trying to piss me off, are we? I'll show him. He comes over.

"Ready to eat?" I asked, feigning excitement.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"No, I just want to see you eat. Of course I'm hungry, dipshit," I say sardonically, hiding my bitterness with an air of indifference.

"I should have remembered you were always hungry. You could eat an elephant, and you would even lose some weight sometimes," he chuckled. I started to chuckle as well at the memories of how I would eat so much at all-you-can-eat buffets, and people would be scared, hoping I wouldn't frequent there.

We got sat down at a table that was pretty secluded. The waiter was some cute, foreign guy, although not really my type. Although, it was my chance to play a game on Izaya. I want to see him when he gets jealous. I know, kind of bitchy of me, but Izaya needed a taste of his own medicine.

I crossed my legs, and started to play out the enticing card. Let the games begin.

"What can I get you?" our waiter, Marco, asked. I narrowed my eyes seductively.

"What do you recommend? I think you are a man with good taste in many things," I said, winking at him. Marco smirked.

"Well, I must say that the chicken parmigiana is superb, especially with a lovely red wine, such as Lambrusco. It can really get the mood going," he said.

"Perfect. Izaya, what will you have?" I asked, lightly sprinkling in some acidity on my words.

"The same as you," he said, his smile never failing, but his eyes were subtly burning, and his words were seeping in sweet poison. Perfect. Just the mood for him to be. This night was getting more and more fun by the minute.

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