Chapter 5

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I got up, hearing Maron scream. I bolted out of my room, and into the room she was in. I turned on the light, and looked at Maron. She was arranging her hair, for some reason, and curled herself into a ball. I just stared for a few moments. I slowly walked over to the bed, and I placed my hand on her shoulder. She grabs my hand, to my surprise, and pulls me down towards her. She clutches my shirt, and seemed to tremble. I gingerly wrapped my arms around her, almost as if the wrong touch would break her. She quaked in my arms. I tighten my arms around her, and, to tease her, I move my hands a little bit down. She stiffened and pushed me off the bed. I fell off, and I just laid there, stunned. I propped myself on my elbows.

"Is this what I get for being your hero? I come to see what's wrong, and you just have a nightmare. I thought you were being attacked by someone," I mocked her to get back. I hear her scoff.

"Oh, and that gives you the right to take advantage on me? I was scared out of my wits, and you try to harass me. Some hero you are, Orihara. You should be ashamed," she smirked. Then sheglanced down at her hands. I stared at her lustrous green eyes, right now, no spark in them, making them a jade green. I came to, and I recovered with a retort.

"Not all heroes are knights in shining armor. You should get over those fairy tales. Besides, you should-"

I was interrupted by a pillow in my face. Damn, that hurt. I look at her and she is rolling on the bed, laughing so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes. I, for some reason, seemed to be distracted by her smile. It was large and it lit up her face like a flashlight. In a good way. Izaya, you can't fall for your humans. They are inferior to you. Then, I grinned and threw it back, with all the force I had, at her. She was laughing so hard, and she was so close to the edge that she rolled off the bed. She was still laughing. Now I want her to stop, somehow. Then, an evil thought came to my mind. Oh, this will shut her up.

I pinned her hands down on the floor and placed her under me. She looked up, her eyes wide with fright. Oh, that got her attention. She was . . . attractive. Very attractive. I don't know what came over me, but I leaned my head down, slowly, and whispered softly in her ear.


I raised myself up and left, with getting one last glance at her face. It was priceless. Her mouth was wide open, her eyes were large, green saucers. Her hair was a hot mess. All in all, she was flustered. And angry.

I laughed. Then, the memory of Akane right after I kissed her flashed in my head. She had the same exact expression. I went into my room, slammed the door, and leaned against it with my back. Why does Maron remind me of Akane so much? Those eyes. I can't even begin to understand why she resembles her so much. Could they be the same person? But Akane had red hair. She could be wearing a wig. But why would she? To be unrecognized? But why? The Yellow Scarves. They had something against her.

No, Akane and Maron can't be the same person. Things are weird, though.

I hear knocking on my door, and that snapped me back to reality. I turned and opened the door, only to be greeted with pain. I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. Now that surprised me. And I usually am on guard about this stuff. I turned to look at an annoyed, yet triumphant, Maron with a cold smug look on her face.

"What was that for?" she spits out. I couldn't stand there to be humiliated.

"Just having a little fun with an interesting human. What, have you come back for more?" I tease. I glare at her, with a vicious smile on my lips. She doesn't stand down. She returned my glare with a look that scared me. I couldn't show her my fear, though.

"Try that one more time, and your head will be on a pike. In the center of Ikebukuro. Got it?" She threatened.

"So much guts for someone only in their undergarments. How do you know I can't humiliate you with a picture of you and putting it on the billboards everywhere? You might want to keep yourself on high watch," I mocked her.

Maron looked down, realizing, although she had a T-shirt on, she didn't have bottoms except for some girl's briefs. Her face went as red as a classic fire truck. She threw me a glare that would have disintegrated a person. I just smirked, which added fuel to the fire. She ram into her room and slammed the door.

I just laughed and went to bed. It was a great sleep that sadly lasted for only two hours. When I woke up, I was ready to start teasing Maron again.

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