Chapter 22

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I woke up in darkness. I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I had gone blind. It was still dark. I felt around my surrundings with my hands, and all of a sudden, I felt something. A smooth, lukewarm structure that was a dome, protecting me. I heard noises, and then I had realized what was going on. I was worried about Izaya. I knew he could take care of himself, but I couldn't help but worry, especially since he was fighting my sperm donor. Yes, I refused to call him my father.

I wondered if I could break through. Probably not, but it's worth a try. I started to pound my fist against the shadow bubble thing, and then I realized that I was getting nowhere, so I thought I would punch through. I brought my fist into the ready position, and then, I punched. It broke through! Yes! I'm getting somewhere. I finally emerged, like a butterfly out of a cocoon, except bloodier and more battered than a butterfly would be.

I see Izaya on the ground with the god-awful man over him. I narrowed my eyes, and my blood was burning.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Him." I snarled. I forgot all about my wounds. I didn't care about myself. No one, and I mean no one, messes with Izaya. I look around, and I see a gun. I rushed to get the gun, grabbed it, and aimed it at my "father." His eyes widened.

"Step away from him, you son of a bitch. Now!" I raised my voice at the last word. He didn't budge.

"I don't think you are in any position to be defying me, old man! Now, move!" Seriously, wasn't he getting the message? I was starting to get exasperated.

He smirked. "Alright, fine, I'll move." He moved away from Izaya. "Would you put the gun down?"

I shook my head. "I don't trust you."

"As you shouldn't." With that, he pulled a gun. He aimed, and shot me.

But just as he pulled the trigger, so did I.

I aimed for his chest. It was a shot to kill. Just so you know -- I never missed.

I think he was trying to aim for my chest, but he failed because the bullet landed in my abdomen. Let me tell you, getting shot is no fun.

It burned like hell. It is probably the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. I knew he didn't hit anything vital, because I studied the human body extensively to know where to hit to kill or just injure. But it doesn't put aside the fact that it hurt like hell.

My knees buckled, and I slumped sideways on my left side. I watched the blood pool from my wound. I felt myself going unconscious as everything went dark. I heard voices, but I couldn't tell what was going on.

Bonus POV from Izaya


I was on the floor, watching Akane threatening her father. I could only imagine what could be going in that little human's brain. She kept a fierce and determined face, but I know her better.

"Alright, fine, I'll move," Mr. Nagoya said. He had a smirk that I bet would have gotten on Akane's nerves. I sure do hope I don't smirk that way.

"Would you put the gun down?"

"I don't trust you."

"As you shouldn't."

And then I heard two gunshots fired. I saw Mr. Nagoya fall back. But Akane also fell on her side. I swiftly got up.


I rushed to Akane's side. Shizuo seemed to be beating up some henchmen. But Celty came to help out. She placed a shadow under Akane, and then it came up from the ground to form a makeshift bed. She was groaning in pain, clutching her abdomen. In that moment, for some reason, I wish I was the one there, so I wouldn't have watch her suffer this way. I got out my phone and called Shinra. He picked up.

"What is it, Orihara? It's late."

"Akane's been shot."

"Wait, WHAT?! I'll be there. Where are you?"

I told him our location. We closed the conversation, and I turned to Akane. She was in so much pain, and it wounded me to see her so vulnerable. I hate Mr. Nagoya, even more than I hated Shizu-chan. Humans were interesting.

Akane was bleeding profusely. Where the hell is Shinra?

As soon as I thought that, Shinra arrived. Somehow. I went out to go get him.

"Where is she?" Shinra huffed out.

I directed him to where she was. Shinra was checking her up, and after he was done with his evaluation, he grabbed his kit, and started to clean her wound, and bandaged her.

"I'll do the rest at my place. Celty, cover her in something that she doesn't move. I can't have her bleeding everywhere. She wasn't hit anywhere vital, so she's not dying, but I'm trying to keep her from being a raisin. The bullet went through, so I have to finish somewhere else. Izaya, we should go to your place."

"Why mine?"

"Because you two need to have a talk once she recovers."

Shizuo, slightly bitter at her being at my place, picked Akane up, princess-style. Celty changed her motorcycle into a car. We all got in the car. Celty drove, I was in the passenger seat, and the rest were in the back seat. We got back to my apartment, and Shizuo placed Akane in the room she stayed in awhile back. She groaned slightly. For some reason, my heart ached to see her in pain like that. Shizuo, Celty, and I sat away as Shinra worked his magic. After what seemed like an eternity, Shinra finished, and grinned.

"I fixed her up. She is unconscious, but she is making a full recovery. She needs some rest. She's had quite a night. Alright guys, let's go leave these two lovebirds alone." Sometimes, Shinra couldn't take a hint. I am not in . . . oh, who am I fooling? Of course I have some affection for her. She never leaves my mind. I have been restless since I have had that first dream about her in a long time. Even being with Shura that one time, I was thinking about her.

"You know, you can go in there. She may be unconscious, but she may be able to hear you," Shinra said.

I nodded. My hand rose to the door knob, and then I hesitated. What if she hates me? These kinds of thoughts came into mind. I became nervous.

Wait, I'm Izaya Orihara. I used to never be nervous. I shook away those thoughts, and quietly entered the room.

I saw her lying there, looking peaceful, sleeping away. I closed the door behind me, and silently tiptoed to the bed. I gently grabbed her hand, and brought it to my hand. I don't know how, but this woman, right here, has unknowingly brought me to my knees, and made me throw away my pride, just so I can be with her. It hasn't been from now; it has been like this from the time we met. I would throw away everything for Akane, just so I can see her smile, and not hurt her. I felt this overwhelming feeling from my heart. I want to be the one to see her smiles and her tears. Her angry face and her excited face. I wanted to be the one she would come to as a shoulder to cry on, and the ear that she whispers her secrets to. She is pretty much everything. If this is what love is, then I believe that it isn't so bad after all.

I stared at her for such a long time. I don't think I could get tired of watching her. I saw a strand of hair on her face, and I reached out to push it out of her face. My fingers brushed her face, and I felt sparks (not literal ones, but you know what I mean). I climbed over the bed, and I gingerly pressed my lips to hers. I laid down on the bed, and I wrapped my arm around her slender body, and, for the first time in awhile, I fell asleep.

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