Chapter 13

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I just stood there, smirking. But on the inside, I was really just stunned. And I felt as if a black hole started at the pit of my stomach. I should just go apologize to her; but then again, I'm Izaya Orihara, and I don't apologize to anyone.

I started to walk out of the alley, when I saw someone. Correction, I saw two people. Two people I had hoped I didn't have to face too often: my sisters Mairu and Kururi. Damn it. Now what? Maybe they didn't see me. I could just-

"Izaya, brother, hi," I heard Mairu call out in an extremely loud voice. Could she be anymore annoying? I turned around, not hiding my disgust and annoyance.

"What do you two want?" I asked sharply.

Mairu grinned at me. Kururi just stared blandly at me. These two were some of the strangest humans ever, and that's something coming from me. Why did they have to be my sisters?

"We just wanted to see our big brother. And to ask is you know about Maron Shimizu, that legendary informant. You do know her right? I mean, two amazing informants have to know-"

"Yes, I know her." A little too well. I didn't say that last part out loud so no one could question me. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"Gosh, Izaya, you didn't have to be so rude. I was just asking. Anyway, do you have any info on her?" Mairu asked shamelessly.

"That's none of your business. Now run along," I said coldly. I turned around to emphasize the end of the conversation.

I walked around the streets of Ikebukuro, trying to sort out my thoughts. Akane kept appearing in my thoughts. Her face, her words, the kiss. Jeez, get it together, Orihara. You can't be falling apart just by thinking about just one of your humans.

I looked around and I bumped into someone. As I looked at the person, I thought my eyes deceived me. It was a man slightly taller than me, with graying hair that used to be a vibrant red, at one point. He had a stern look, and was dressed up in a suit. He scowled at me. I glared back at him. I realized who this was.

It was Akane's father.

"I'm so sorry, sir, please forgive me," I said in the most civilized tone I could muster. His face softened into a look of indifference.

"No need to worry, young man. I do believe it was my fault for being so careless. Please, would you like for me to treat you to something," Mr. Nagoya said politely.

I thought about it. Maybe I should, so that I can collect more information about him.

"Sure, thank you, sir. May I have your name, please?" I asked innocently, hoping I could confirm my suspicions.

"Dan Nagoya. Yours?" Nagoya asks.

Crap, I'm in trouble. What do I say?

"Nakura," I reply firmly. But on the inside, I was nervous. I shouldn't be, but I am.

"Well, Nakura-kun, please follow me to this café. I'll pay," he said.

"Well, if you insist, I'll go."

We both walk to a restaurant, and Mr. Nagoya asks for a private room. The host nodded, and prompted a waiter to show us the way.

We sat down, and ordered our tea.

"So, Mr. Nagoya, please tell me about yourself," I said. This could be my chance to get info on him.

"Well, I'm CEO of a law firm. Maybe you've heard of it, Nagoya Law. It is a pretty famous one all over Japan."

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