Chapter 8

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I heard the door slam. I flinched. I have not seen Izaya lose his temper in a long time. I feel my eyes burn. My eyes moisten. No, you can't cry. Akane, you'll seem weak. Then, I realized that no one was around. I cried, my tears more like waterfalls than droplets. I didn't want to hurt Izaya. I knew what people would think about me being back. The Yellow Scarves almost never let anyone escape them, not even to live after they were done with them.

I didn't want to hurt him. I wasn't going to be staying in Ikebukuro for good,  and I didn't want to get too attached to him. And in me not wanting to hurt him, I still did. Now, I won't be able to continue with my plan for revenge. And it is only the second day. How could I have been so careless?

I can't face him after this. I don't think I can face Izaya ever. I wiped my tears and started to pack up everything again. 

20 minutes later

I finished packing and I walked past Izaya's desk. I looked at his desk and found pictures. Pictures of Izaya and me. I picked each one up. My eyes watered again. I remembered all the good memories we had together. I put down the pictures and willed myself to not cry. There was no need to cry. I have to walk out. But first, I shifted some of the pieces onthe game board to make it center around a piece. I turned and left out the door.

I decided to head over to Celty's and Shinra's place. I make it to their place. I knock on the door, and I hear the door open. It's Celty with her helmet on.

"Hey," I muttered. She motioned me in, and I sat down on the couch. "Where's Shinra?"

Out with his father. He came in today. Anyway, what's up? You look really down. She typed.

I looked down and sighed. "I don't know anymore. You know how Izaya and I were best friends when we were kids? Yeah, well-"

Hold up, you were best friends with Izaya?! How did that happen? You were the sweetest kid, how could you fall into his hands? Celty cut in. I chuckled at her bewilderment. I told her the story of how we met and how we became the best friends that were nearly inseparable, and all the good times. I told her what happened since I stayed with him. I even told her about the kiss.

"Anyway, I am not sure I'm staying in Ikebukuro for good, so I didn't want to get attached to Izaya, so that I wouldn't feel sad when I would leave. But he figured out today, you see, and . . . he lost it. He said things about how worried he was and why I didn't want him to know and things like that. And when he thought I was sleeping, he kissed me again, tenderly this time, and I felt fuzzy. I never felt this way with any other person other than Izaya. I don't know anymore. But that doesn't even matter, because I don't want to hurt him anymore, so-"

Akane, please, it's okay. Besides, if you and Izaya were that close, I don't think Izaya will stay mad at you for long. And from what I can tell, you both are into each other. You are having feelings for him and he for you. Our maybe Maron. But maybe still you anyway. Besides, don't you think it would've been a better idea to stay with Izaya?

"Celty, I don't know anything anymore. I can't figure anything out, and that isn't me at all. You of all people know that I know what I want, I get what I want however I can. And as for my emotions, I don't think Izaya has feelings for me,at least not anymore. I can't face him anymore and I can't be a burden. You know how I hate to be dead weight. Besides, I will go and see if I can stay with Shizuo. He should be okay, right?" I stated. Her shoulders slumped.

Look, yeah Shizuo seems like a good person to room with, but you should stay with Izaya. Besides, you need to face him and explain to him your plan. He is your best chance.

"Well, I think I should had over to Shi-san's so that I can reach him."

Hey, look, you can't run away from Izaya for long, all right? Talk to him. Please. And take care. Wait, let me give you a ride to Shizuo's place. It gets dangerous at night when you aren't with someone.

"You sound like a mother. Fine, you can give me a ride. Let's go now," I said hastily.

We get out and we get on Celty's bike. I hop on and Celty starts her motorbike. We ride off to a quite pleasant sector of Ikebukuro. We reach what seems to be Shizuo's apartment, and I knock on the door. The door opens, and I find Shizuo in his bartender clothes and a cigarette in his mouth. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and gaps at me.

"Nagoya, what are you doing here?" he asks.

"I need a new place to stay at. Could I stay with you? Please?" I pleaded.

He looked from to Celty and back to me.

"What happened?"

Just let her in please. And don't lose your temper, she isn't exactly in the best state right now. Be careful with her.

He nods. He gestures me in, while I thanked the dullahan foe taking me here, and walk into his apartment. It was quite basic, simple, and direct; in other words, it was Shizuo's style. I sat down on the sofa as well as Shizuo.

"So, do you mind telling me what happened? Akane-san, you seem pretty beat down."

I let my head to look at his eyes. "I was with Izaya for a bit, and-"

"Woah, dis you just say Izaya? As in Izaya Orihara?" He interrupted me angrily. I nodded.

"But let me finish first. Anyway, I stayed at his place, and . . . well, Izaya found out who I was, and . . . he got angry. He just left. I felt so bad for hurting him that I left his place. I have hardly seem Izaya so angry about anything. I couldn't help but feel like total shit. I just- I just need a place to stay. Do you mind?" I asked, feeling tears burn the back of my eyes. Shizuo gets up, walks to me, and hugged me tightly.

"Of course. You know, it's okay to cry. I will be here for you," he said. I stiffened, but relaxed, from the unsuspecting embrace. I wrapped my arms around him, and let the tears fall.

I hear, all of a sudden, the door open to his apartment. Shizuo broke off the hug and turned around. I saw a young man that looked similar to Shizuo, just not as tall, and his eyes were blank. At least, they are until they laid on me.

"Shizuo, is that who I think it is?" he asked. Shizuo nodded. "Well, welcome back, Akane. You probably don't remember me, but I'm his younger brother, Kasuka."

"Oh my, you looked familiar, and I remember you now. Wait, aren't you Yuhei Hanejiwa? I watch your movies, and you are amazing," I said excitedly.

"You're not the only one who has a secret identity, Maron," Kasuka said. "I -"

"What are you doing here?" Shizuo asked.

"I was deciding to drop by. I had a gut feeling that something good was there. I was right," Kasuka said with a little grin.

"Well, I got to go. I am going to an audition for this movie my agent told me to try out for. Later," he waved, and walked away, closing the door behind him gently.

"He grew up to be such a successful person. I bet you're proud, Shi-san," I called him. He nodded.

"Hey, we need to get you settled in. I'll take your things to the guest room. It's not much, but-," Shizuo murmured.

"It's fine. I have lived in a place way smaller than this after I was. . . you know. To me, this is pretty comfy," I cut him off. He blushed with a grin, and walked with my bag to the room.

As I settled in to the room, my mind returns to Izaya. What could he be doing? I hope he found the note I left him. I think about all these things before my head hits the pillow, and I drift off to sleep.   

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