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We were ships in the night

The mountain seemed to approach slowly as the two kept walking towards it for hours now.

Namjoon could see Hyeri struggling to keep up with Namjoon's pace for a while now but she refused to ask for a break.

After walking for a few minutes more, he looked back to check on her but she was behind him by a lot.

"I'm sorry, let me catch up with you."
"What are you sorry for?"
"I-I don't know." Hyeri felt the ground shaking slightly, or maybe it's just my legs that are shaking.

"It still seems like it'll take us one or more hours to reach there, we can sit for a while." Namjoon offered.

"Only if you are tired or want to." Hyeri said making him chuckle.

"I want to. And it looks like you need it too." He said as he sat down on the roadside.

"I don't. It's because my blood is draining, but I'm alright." Hyeri replied, sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry."
"Now what are you sorry for?"
"For all this. I'm bothersome."

"You're not. Coming with you was a choice and I wasn't forced or anything."

"I know. But I feel like I am bothersome in real life."

"This is real life." The two went quiet after their little chat.

Both of them had the same thought in their head, how much they wished that all this wasn't real.

Namjoon was still under the impression that it was a dream, but this belief of his was crumbling down slowly as the time passed.

Hyeri, on the other hand, wished it was some sort of illusion, that Namjoon was not real and a part of her imagination.

She looked at him, who was thinking something again. A whole poet.

"A penny for your thoughts?"
"Do pennies even work here?" He asked turning his head to her, his face right next to her.

The two had a little eye contact, but it didn't last long as he felt a sharp pain in his head.

"What's wrong?" Hyeri said and kept her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it away.

"It's her again. It hurts." Hyeri didn't knew how to help him. She didn't like how sometimes she would get so helpless, the idea of not being in control of the situation scared her and she didn't like it at all.

"Make it go away please." Namjoon said now grabbing her hand.

Hyeri kept looking at the boy who was clutching her head hard, she wanted to help him, to take his pain away, even if she has to bear it alone.

"Namjoon, look at me, look at me please, we'll get you out of here, away from this pain, away from this place. This pain won't last forever. It won't harm you, it can't." Namjoon looked at the girl and nodded, the pain still stinging like crazy.

"I want to sleep. I don't think anything else will help."

"You can. I'll wake you up in a while." Namjoon nodded and laid on the ground that they were sitting on.

Hyeri looked at the boy and sighed.

She didn't feel any pain in her head after a few days, and she hoped Namjoon won't either.

"Hyeri?" She looked at the boy who was looking at her.

"Can you please massage my head for a minute or two?" Hyeri hummed and kept her hand on his forehead, starting to massage it slowly.

"Thank you. It already feels better." Hyeri smiled a little, feeling relieved that she can help in any way possible.

Soon when she felt, Namjoon was asleep, she stood up from the ground, her eyes automatically falling on the big obstacle that was right in front of them.

The easy one and yet so challenging.

She remembered how sweaty her hands and shaky her legs were. She was alone with no one to help her, and the only thing that kept her going was her desire to get out of this place that had tested her multiple times before she even started giving any sorts of test.

At some point she was so broken, so defeated, so scared and weak, that she preferred to die instead of keep going aimlessly.

But then she met them, others who were just like her, same story, same fate.

Although all of them preferred to keep to themselves rather than being social like in other universes, they were kind enough to teach Hyeri a thing or two about survival. She would be forever grateful for that.

Then after a few days she met him. She wasn't in any position to help anyone but she couldn't leave him to go through everything that she went through in the past three weeks. She didn't have the heart to.

She looked at the boy who was sleeping and she herself felt exhausted to the point she felt she wouldn't wake up if she slept right there.

She waited for an hour before waking the boy up.

"I'm sorry but if we're late, it will get dangerous if we're still in the mountain."

"Are you saying that we're going to go through it before it gets dark?" Namjoon asked, his head in a better place now.

"Yes. We need to go without any breaks now."

"But it seems impossible." Namjoon mumbled.

"It is not. Trust me?" She asked to which he nodded, trusting her more than himself at that moment.

"What will be the test about?" Namjoon asked felling nauseous as the mountain's base was nearing them.

"Your concentration."

"That sounds weird." Namjoon said, not really feeling it.

"It's not. It's actually very clever."


"Well any problem, no matter how big just like that mountain can be defeated if you don't sway away from it."

"That is some big brain talk."

"It's my theory." Hyeri said and stopped before the old sign.

"Read this."

Namjoon looked at the piece of wood, the words looked like they were written a thousand years ago.

"What is this?"


"I don't understand the meaning of this."

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now