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Namjoon tried explaining a few things about the place and her memory loss to Hyeri.

He tried.

But Hyeri wasn't one to just listen what others have to tell her.

If she didn't have questions earlier, she had tons of them now. Many of those Namjoon had never even imagined of thinking.

She was one curious person and Namjoon felt frustrated with the way she was acting.

"I don't believe you a bit." She said referring to one of the stories he told her about demons and hemelas.

"I speak the truth Hyeri."

"So, you're telling me that there's a whole world out there with creatures that only existed in story books and that I'm currently in hell?" Hyeri asked in an attempt to show him how absurd he sounded.

"This doesn't look like hell Mr Namjoon." She added.

Namjoon got more frustrated as time went by. He had explained a few things many times but Hyeri always interrupted or dismissed thinking he was weaving lies.

"How about we go forward anyways. There's no one around us and without me you will get lost." Hyeri raised her brow.

"With all due respect, you said you were new to this place too."

"Not as new as you. Now please just trust me." He pleaded.

"How can I when you talk about the villains of fairy-tale stories." She said with a pout.

"You have no better option than to stick with me."

"I wonder how I ended up being your fiancé." Hyeri blurted out suddenly.

"Is there a proof of some sort?" Namjoon couldn't take it anymore.

"I- I will be outside. Come get me if you need anything. We set out in the morning so get enough rest." He said and walked out almost immediately.

Hyeri sighed and sat down herself.

This new place was scary for her. And her head didn't help her at all.

There was always this voice that she could recognise as Namjoon's that yelled her name so loudly that she could go deaf.

But a few things held her back from accepting him as someone she already knew.

She woke up alone. A person will never do that to someone they love and yet she was alone for so long in that unfamiliar place.

Everything he told her felt absurd. From the start till the end. Why will she voluntarily go to hell? It made no sense to her.

Last but the biggest factor was besides the voice, she could not remember anything about the man who was claiming to be her husband to be.

It was hard for her. She was scared and all those things that he told her didn't help at all.

The sky scared her too. It was like the Gods in heaven had a bloody war and their blood scattered all over the place making the sky red.

She hadn't seen the sun out yet but the weird atmosphere around her made her sick in her stomach.

The man out there promised her that he will get her out of that place but out to where.

She didn't remember anything about her home so what was she supposed to do now.

There was no one else around her beside that strange man. She was thankful that at least he showed up because the first few hours had traumatized her.

It was now up to her if she wanted to go with this stranger or wait for someone else.

But waiting felt uneasy. Wandering off alone felt absurd too.

She knew she had to move but the man out there made it really hard to trust.

"Where am I?" She asked herself again.

That strange land where she laid felt unfamiliar and familiar at the very same time. She had no words to explain what she was feeling.

She was very tired though. Even though she had slept a lot even after waking up from her deep slumber, she had spent most of the day sleeping.

She was not that scared of the darkness that she had seen the previous night. She had a nice night vision.

But the silence that came along with the night was filled with terror.

She was afraid to make a single sound as even the most feeble voices echo in the silence.

She laid down silently in darkness with cold creeping from the ground to her. She shivered in silence and was momentarily worried about the person sleeping outside.

But before she could think about Namjoon anymore, her mind shut off, taking her to another deep sleep.

Namjoon on the other hand felt restless. He wasn't familiar whith being shunned directly or indirectly and Hyeri had done both, many times.

If Namjoon hadn't missed Hyeri when he was away from her, he definitely missed her now.

The previous night when he was about to sleep, he had thought about how this night was going to be different but Hyeri wasn't the Hyeri he had known.

Worst, this new Hyeri was even more stubborn and hard to deal with.

He regretted being hard on Hyeri when he first opened his eyes. He wondered how she did it without breaking apart.

He knew that the next day was going to be even harder.

She will have questions to which he has answers but she won't believe him.

Not unless she sees something that could prove that all he was saying was indeed the truth but he was in the middle of nowhere. Far away from demonic creatures and people with similar but worse fate than them.

A very big reason why Namjoon believed Hyeri from the start was the fact that the first thing he saw was a demon kid.

He felt goosebumps make it's way through his limbs when the image of the demon with a bloody mouth came in his mind.

He couldn't even imagine what Hyeri would have went through when he was being taken away to be killed.

He had given her a lot of pain and still all she had with her was pain.

But there was a way to make everything right. Just one way. One more task.

He had to prepare Hyeri and himself too for the last task.

All these while Hyeri had helped him with his tasks because she had gone through them first but now, he didn't know how to tell her what to do when he didn't know about it himself.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now