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Hoseok had waited for this day.

Even if he had never admitted to it, he had wanted to get see the beautiful angel in front of him on his bed, in his arms.

He had been doing his routine walks around the portals, he had a feeling that it was Hyeri's last chance to come back home.

He also had a stronger feeling that she will show up. And she did.

He saw a crowd formed in front of the portal and immediately ran towards it.

As if his eyes were blessed, he saw the highest ranked angel in front of him.

Hyeri came back.

She kept on murmuring Namjoon's name, saying that he was in some danger.

When Hoseok saw her, it was as if the time had stopped for him.

She was still that beautiful girl he had fell in love with even though she was dressed very shabbily for an angel and her face and hair was covered with dirt.

He passed the crowd and went towards her. He helped her stand up but she was too weak to hold up.

She kept calling for Namjoon making it a little hurtful for him but he didn't let it get in the way of helping her.

He brought her to his home knowing that Namjoon's parents won't like her there and she had no place else to go.

She denied knowing him even though he had tried to tell her that he was a friend.

She kept saying that Namjoon was in danger and Hoseok knew that she will never lie. Her being back alone was a big evidence that his friend was indeed in danger but he knew nothing that could help him.

She also complained of headache, something that was completely normal.

Hoseok had then asked her to sleep but she kept calling for Namjoon.

He didn't know what magic the man had done on Hyeri but she saw no one except him, even when he was not present.

Hoseok tried to put her to sleep and after a lot of struggles, he succeeded.

There was no way that he would have gotten through her stubborn self but she was in a lot of pain.

He knew she would have been in that pain when she first jumped to hell but she had fought the urge to stay awake.

She didn't need to do that anymore he thought, she had Namjoon fighting her battles in the front and him taking care of her.

She was no longer alone. But he felt alone.

Even with the girl sleeping comfortably in his bed, a scenery he had always imagined, he felt lonely.

She still wasn't his. He had no rights over her except as her future spouse's best friend.

He watched her sleep for a while. If someone knew him staring at the girl like that, they would probably think he's a creep.

He smiled sadly and stood up from the chair he was sitting on. He adjusted the blanket so that she was warm and protected like he knew she liked to be.

Hyeri laid still, he knew she will not voluntarily move for days to come.

But he was relieved, more than he had thought he will be once she returned.

She was safe. There was nothing that was going to harm her under him, and he will make sure of that.

He felt a sudden urge to give her a small kiss on her forehead but held back.

He would not do anything that wasn't true. Angels don't act impulsively and even if he wasn't as high as Hyeri, he definitely was a higher angel than Namjoon.

He had a code to follow.

Smiling sadly, he exited his room.

"Please look after her while I'm gone. If anything happens, call for me right away." The caretaker nodded and got inside the room.

He had to make sure she was getting the best care in the world.

He then tried to continue his daily work but every now and then, his mind kept going back to the girl he was so madly in love with.

Namjoon knew she was gone. It was night now, his least favourite time of the day.

Everything around him was dark like his life felt without Hyeri around him.

If Hyeri had failed her challenge, she would have come back as a permanent resident of the place but she didn't.

He had successfully sent her home.

He felt happy. She was safe. That's all he wanted.

He could now go further without worrying about Hyeri.

Although he felt a bit weird about it all, he had thought that he would be at least allowed to meet her before she enters the portal but he was not one to complain.

His Hyeri was safe now. She was probably in care of his friend knowing how his family wasn't interested in his relationship with her like Hyeri had told him.

He was thankful for that friend that he no longer had any memories of.

That is why he had to do it. He had to find the spear part so that he could make everything to normal again.

Hyeri had already eliminated a lot of places and now he had only a few that he had to go through.

He looked at the sky and hoped that Hyeri was sleeping now knowing how stubborn she can get.

He closed his eyes now, hoping sleep would come take him away soon too but with Hyeri gone, he knew he had to struggle a lot to sleep.

Namjoon found something about his day really weird though.

Up until a few hours ago, he kept hearing Hyeri shout for him.

At first, he thought that Hyeri had came back. That she had failed the test.

But there was no one around him and he kept hearing it. He heard her should for a very long time and that's when he figured that the voice was just in his head.

Hyeri's voice that kept going on like a broken record when he first opened his eyes was back now but now it was a more desperate cry.

As if Hyeri has been trying to get to him, to tell him something.

But he felt all of this was just his mind playing tricks, after all, Hyeri had probably forgotten about him again.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now