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"How far do we have to go to get water again?" Hyeri asked feeling her throat dry up more with every passing second.

"It's quite far away. With the pace we're going at we'll reach there by tomorrow's nightfall." Namjoon replied.

"Nightfall? Oh." Hyeri said feeling parched.

"Can we at least sit for a while. We have been walking since forever." She said with a small pout.

"Alright. But just for a while." Namjoon said and pulled her arm softly towards the side of the road.

"Thank you." Hyeri said with a small smile.

"Do you want to eat some berries." Hyeri shook her head.

"No. I just get thirstier when I eat." She refused.

"You need more energy. You won't die without water but you'll get extremely weak if you don't eat properly." She still looked like she'd rather drink water first.

"Please Hyeri." Namjoon said and gave some on her hand.

"Every time we stop, have atleast one please. They give you a lot of energy." He said with a smile.

"What about you? Won't you eat?" She asked still not touching the food on her hand.

"I ate some in the morning." He said and kept the container back in his bag.

Hyeri felt weird that the man in front of her was feeding her so much but not eating any himself.

She took one last look at the berry pair and stuffed them together in her mouth.

"You don't like how they taste right?" Namjoon said reading her expression.

Hyeri shook her head as a no.

The previous Hyeri had never told him about her dislike for berries, she just ate them right away without any complains.

"They're sweet and sticky sometimes."

"I'm so sorry, this is the only thing you can eat here except it's leaves which is worse in every possible way." Hyeri nodded, not wanting to talk about food or water anymore.

"When we get out of here, I promise you I'll take you out for a very grand dinner." Namjoon said very quietly, he really wanted to treat her like she was the most important person in her life.

"There's a voice inside my head, so similar to yours." Hyeri said keeping her palm on the left side of her head.

"Does it hurt there?" Namjoon, who was concerned, put his head over Hyeri's.

"Not a lot but how can I make it stop? The voice?"

Namjoon remembered the times he used to get his headaches. It was always Hyeri's voice that unknowingly played in his head and now she had his voice in her head.

Soulmates indeed.

"It will stop soon. Your brain is just confused about a few things and your memory loss is just putting more pressure onto it." Namjoon said stroking her head softly, she didn't mind it at all.

She wasn't thinking straight anyways, she was dehydrated.

Namjoon wondered why he didn't feel the urge to drink water after he woke up but a part of him was convinced that Hyeri had frequently given him water when he was sleeping.

Plus, the fear that she had installed in his mind that water contained poison also helped him take his mind off drinking it.

"Rest as much as you want Hyeri. We'll only go further when your head feels a little better." Namjoon said and she nodded.

"Can I lay down for a while?" Namjoon immediately nodded and moved back to give her space to lay down.

Hyeri laid down and closed her eyes.

"If I fall asleep, please wake me up after a while."

"I will. Rest my love."

Namjoon saw her as she stopped fidgeting and sighed knowing she was finally sleeping peacefully.

He then took out a map from Hyeri's sling bag.

Yes, a map.

He wasn't aware of something like that until Hyeri had shown it to him.

In there were the things that Hyeri needed to take with her back in her own world.

The real reason why she had to come there was right in front of him.

When the world was divided into six different parts by the gods, every element was in equilibrium, except one particular thing.

That one thing had disturbed balance everywhere.


The golden spear can have it's birth traced back to the birth of creator.

It was a token of peace. Not only had it held everything together when there was only one world, it had also been a channel of traveling for travelling from one universe to the other without any casualty.

Sure, not everyone could use the spear, it was meant for extraordinary people who were approved by the universe themself.

That made it two. Two ways to go forth and back. One with the spear and the other with the portals that Namjoon and Hyeri had used.

But greed, the worst trait of all had disturbed the long-held peace between the universes.

A resident, of the very world Namjoon stood on, couldn't jump into another world using the spear.

His intentions for doing so weren't good and he was blocked by the universe.

Furious, that man had hid the spear away saying that if he wasn't allowed to go to other universes, he will not anyone else use it either.

The man hid it for several years, he was not scared to lose his life because he knew that the universe will not kill him when he had their greatest weapon.

The spear was hid with a spell. A spell that a witch had casted upon it.

The man fell terribly ill, and didn't live for long but before he was dead, he saw his future generation turn into demons.

Similarly, the witch's only daughter turned into a hemela and that's where the bloodline of monsters started.

Magic was removed as a punishment from all the universes and societies based on those magics collapsed.

Destruction. That's what the people who lived in those times described it as.

The man's eldest son who was the first demon ever felt a rush of anger sweep through it and as soon as magic disappeared and the spear appeared in front of him, he used away all the strength he had received and broke the spear in six different parts.

He walked all the way to where the portal was and threw five parts away inside it.

It is widely believed that the sixth part is on his father's grave.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now