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Just as Namjoon was about to speak something, the two hemelas walked in again separating the two friends.

The sudden change in room was felt by everyone as the silence was the new scream again.

Larry and the other man immediately rushed to where Hyeri and Namjoon was, standing next to the two so now both of them were next to each other.

Soon, the master joined them again and the room was tenser than ever.

Everyone was waiting for the jury to give their decision and Hyeri knew that everyone in the audience came to watch because it probably was fun for them.

She could not erase the dirty look she received from a group of demons when the hemela mentioned of her bathing in the spring. She hated how vulnerable she was in that moment, how she couldn't do anything to protect her or Namjoon from this hell.

She felt terribly responsible for everything that he was going through.

He too, felt like he was the reason why she was stuck here.

The jury members entered one by one and took their seat in front of the master.

The two hemelas bowed and took their final vote before giving it to the master to read.

Namjoon's breath was stuck and he immediately held Hyeri's hand which was shaking with fear.

He looked at her for a millisecond and his eyes grew soft, he has never seen her so weak not even when she was terribly weak.

It looked like she had given up, like she already knew their answer and it wasn't good.

He wanted to hug her but his legs were stuck on the ground as if bounded by some spell. He could only comfort her through the connection of their hands but Hyeri slipped her hand to wipe her tears.

She took a deep breath to compose herself and then again, stood tall and brave.

Namjoon looked at the master again who was writing something on a very shabby yet glorious paper.

He then passed it to the hemela next to him.

She opened the paper and nodded at the other hemela before starting,

"The trial of Namjoon and his associate Hyeri, which included help from Larry was thoroughly examined and the jury and the great Master have come to the conclusion that all the three are not guilty of any crime suspected of them." The collective exhalation of air from the three suggested that they had kept in their breath.

Hyeri looked at Namjoon with a smile that shone even brighter than her tears from all the light in the room.

Larry too, rubbed the back of Hyeri to congratulate her for getting out of it safely. The three exchanged smiles but were disturbed by the hemela as she continued,

"On addition to dismissing of the case, we have permanently decided to remove any element of nature from our challenge and we offer freedom to every one trapped here whose decision has been faltered by the poisoned water." She finished and slowly advanced towards Hyeri.

"Hyeri, we would have awarded you with a level of advocate if you were not a criminal." She said and walked away, with a foul expression on her face.

She was soon followed by most of the creatures in the room including that man who was now jobless.

Hyeri couldn't believe what happened in the past few minutes and she was still stuck at the fact that Namjoon would be free, and she would be too.

But then she realised, it's not just them, but most of the people trapped in the place for centuries would finally be free, she did that.

Before she could speak, she was immediately hugged by Larry who was shaking with happiness.

"Thank you so much little friend. Thank you thank you thank you." He said as his tears too flowed recklessly.

"You don't know what this means for me." He said when parted with her.

"Larry? Were you the victim of the water too?" Namjoon read her thoughts.

"Yes brother, Hyeri saved us, saved us all." He said with gratitude.

Larry then went away to give his friends the good news leaving Namjoon and Hyeri alone in the big room.

"You are an amazing person Hyeri." He said admiring her.

"We're free Namjoon." She said as she suppressed her sobs.

"Oh Hyeri," he pulled her to a tight hug and Hyeri too held him tightly.

"We're free." She said again.

"We are. I was so scared, so very scared." He confessed.

"I was too." Hyeri said pulling away.

"If you two are done, we need to throw you out of our territory." The irritated Hemela said from the door.

She turned away and started leading as the two followed her out with their hands locked safely, they had no intention to let go of each other.

Soon they were face to face with a wall that Namjoon remembered was the spot where he ended his test, the wall slided away showing them the exit.

The three walked out of the territory only to find a large group of people standing in front of them.

"I can't believe this." The Hemela murmured before turning back and going in again.

Hyeri gasped as everyone in front of her bowed down in front of her in gratitude.

"Our angel, Hyeri.
The angel of hell, Hyeri.
Light in darkness, Hyeri." ...and many more slogans were sung, smiles exchanged and hugs shared.

Namjoon felt proud for his partner, she had once again done something that no normal person would do.

The two then said their goodbye to the group of people who started their journey to the urban area of the planet.

They were no longer bounded inside a territory, their patience was worth it.

"What about the ones who are still inside there?" Namjoon asked looking at the wall that worked like a door.

"They were greedy, they were not tricked into being here forever." She said and patted his back.

"We can't mess up with their rules either like they can't with nature's." He nodded before turning to her.

"Don't think I'll forgive you for lying to me like that."

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now