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Hyeri sat up abruptly and started coughing, her cheeks red from embarrassment.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asked noticing her quick change in behavior.

"Y-yeah and no. I don't look at you lips. It's just that I would really appreciate if the both of us could bathe. I hate going on without cleaning myself." She said avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this, limited food, no water and endless walking." Namjoon said laying down again.

"It's not like I have something better to do." Hyeri said and looked at the sky.

"I would love to have a meaning, where my days are not worthless." Hyeri said and pressed her lips in a thin line.

"I kept myself busy all this while, first with these tests then taking care of you and now helping you but I don't know what I'll do after sending you off." Namjoon felt bad for her, really bad.

She was stuck in this endless cycle of punishment and he could not imagine this life for himself. He so desperately wanted to escape it. He also wished he could help Hyeri escape it but the reality of the universe kept him in disappointment.

"Overall Namjoon, you look better than everyone here. You don't belong here." She said with a sad smile.

Namjoon was somewhere expecting her to ask him the same question he asked her, because that's how he was but she seemed too lost in her thought thay he didn't pay attention to the topic any further.

He really liked the way she described him and he felt better knowing he looked like a decent person.

Hyeri felt tired, really tired. The sleepless night had started slowing her down and she was afraid Namjoon will have to be the one to suffer because of that.

But she couldn't sleep, she was too afraid to do that. One thing she could never let out of her mind was how dangerous this place was, danger existing in every corner of this world. She couldn't let her guard down. Her experiences won't let her do that.

"Should we get going?" She heard Namjoon asking.

Somehow he was now standing, his hand stretched out for her to take.

She nodded and allowed him to pull her up, taking her little sling bag, she secured it on her shoulder.

"Let's go." She started leading the way again.

They kept walking for hours with Namjoon trying to break the awful silence every once in a while but he couldn't help but notice how Hyeri would reply with short answers or finish the conversation as soon it started.

He also noticed how Hyeri was getting more and more exhausted with every step she took, even though they had took several breaks throughout the day, it didn't seem to help her.

"Hyeri are you ok?" He asked when her pace started to get slower than ever.

Hyeri finally stopped walking, her head hanging low. She shook her head and crouched down.

Namjoon panicked and rushed to her sight, crouching right infront of her.

Her face was pale and cold even though the weather was warm. Her eyes were tightly shut as if the sun was right in front of her.

"Hyeri please look at me." He said patting on her cheek but she only whimpered.

He looked around, noticing how it was starting to get a little darker every passing minute.

He lifted Hyeri's shoulder and helped her get to the road side where they both would have to spend the very night.

"Hyeri can you hear me? Are you ok?" He tried waking her up again but it seemed like her body had given up on her.

Namjoon felt clueless, all this while Hyeri had been taking care of him and now seeing her so sick, he didn't know what to do.

He was in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to aid her. No water to sprinkle on her eyes, nothing to feed her to give her energy, nothing to lay her on in this deserted place. He didn't knew what to do.

He was aware that once it got really dark, there would be no way he could do anything when it was dark. So he had very little time.

He was very unsure to leave the unconscious girl in the unfamiliar place although she had left him a lot. It felt wrong.

There was absolutely nothing he could do. He took the sling bag out of her shoulder and fished the little canister where she stored the berries.

Taking a few of them, he crushed them and placed them inside Hyeri's mouth hoping she would gulp them eventually.

The back of him palm made its way to her cheek and felt her whimper again due the warmness his hand held.

Her skin was colder than before but he was relieved that she was still conscious enough to feel his touch.

"Hyeri can you hear me?" This time she gave him a slight nod to which he almost teared up.

"Chew the berries in your mouth if you can or just gulp them in, I've crushed them." He said while gently stroking her hair.

She coughed a little and Namjoon's instinct was to rub her collarbone as her back was on the ground.

"Please be careful." She heard him say.

"Do you want me to do something for you Hyeri?" He asked as his hand found its way back to her hair.

She hummed and moved her head a little to where his sound came from, her eyes still shut.

"Please don't s-stop." She said and soon felt both of his hands on her hair now, it felt more relaxing than ever. He felt relief wash over him when he heard the voice.

It was getting dark now but Namjoon could still see things around him, especially Hyeri's eyes which were struggling to open.

"Why not rest? It's already night time, go to sleep Hyeri." He spoke to her ever so softly, his hands still doing magic to her hair.

"I'm fine now."

"You're still very cold."

"I said I'm fine!"

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now