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I do believe your galaxy

Darkness. There was darkness everywhere. Squinting his eyes only made the pain in his head much much worse.

"Ahh!" He gave a low grunt and tried moving to his side but his body didn't cooperate.

Open your eyes Namjoon!

He tried but the darkness was still very inviting.

I need to wake up. I need to wake up now. Open your eyes Namjoon!

It was as if his brain was awake but his body was governed by some other soul, not listening to him at all.

Wake up.....for her......you have to

His eyes shot open and immediately shut back again because of the blinding light. He felt as if he was cursed at again and again. But atleast this time he can move his fingers.

Pain. He felt a jolt of pain when he tried moving his arms and lungs. A cry left his lips, his body didn't seem as his anymore.

He opened his eyes again was met by a set of longing eyes. His heartbeat which was running like a horse started coming to rest, relieved that he wasn't alone.

He opened his mouth to speak something but before he could the creature opened his mouth first.

Contrary to Namjoon's expectations, the creature didn't speak anything but revealed his bloody tongue and teeth.

Shivers ran down Namjoon's spine and he started crawling but nothing, his body was still irresponsive.

He looked at the creature again who was standing in a upright condition, contrary to Namjoon who was having all sorts of attack beneath him.

"Wh-Who are you?" He asked but the creature opened his mouth again showing his blood filled mouth.

"Get away from me!" He said and started panicking. His heart was running like crazy.

It's a dream. It has to be...

"You're awake!" He heard a cheerful voice and saw the creature move away from him. In place of him, he saw a girl with a big smile and relieved face.

"Talk about perfect timing. They were going to feed you to the kids."


"Yeah the dude with the ugly teeth looked so sad that you woke up"


"Yeah I know. Crazy right? I asked them to give you a day or atleast an hour but you had reached your expiry date and you were stinking."


"Yes damn right you were mister. You were deadful for 10 human days ever since you came here. That's about time when the bodies start decomposing. I have a question though."


"Were you brought here when you were trying out costumes?"


"Listen to me. You were brought here while you were trying costumes alright?"


"Can you say something other than that? Anyways let's get out of here." She held his hand and pulled him up.

Surprisingly for him, he sat up immediately and all the pain from body disappeared.


"Excuse me sir. I am your only well wisher here. Who are you calling weird?"

"No I didn-"

"You're weirder." She said and pulled him to his feet.

Namjoon felt his head moving a bit as his lifeless legs felt alive again. He turned to see a lot of similar creatures that the girl called demons were all standing there with order, looking at him as if trying to read him.

"Remember, you were trying out costumes ok? I will explain everything. Don't make any eye contact and just follow me out of here." She said and pulled him over out to an entrance that was checked by two guards that looked similar to the creatures that were standing behind them.

"Well he is awake, so I am taking him with me." She said making the two guards share glances.

"Let us go. You can't hurt us or you will be punished." She said bravely but Namjoon didn't miss how her legs were a little shaky.

The guards moved after a few seconds and she pulled him along with her.

The lights when he opened his eyes were bright but it wasn't anywhere near the lights that met him as soon as they stepped out.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes, his head still concerned him, a lot.

"Headache?" She asked him and he nodded.

"You're an idiot so of course you'll get and give headaches."

He squinted his eyes and looked at her. Seeing her properly this time, he could see her brownish hair and complexion with dark big eyes. She was wearing a cloth, well it was meant to be a dress, or it most probably was, but it was falling apart. Her face had no colour, it was pale and looked tired. she was bare-foot and still after all this, she gave him a small smile, so humane.

"The pain will go away. Don't run away from me. I don't want to harm you in any way." Namjoon had no intention on leaving the girl anyways. Not before he figures out what was happening.

"I am Namjoon." He introduced himself and hoped she would introduce herself too but she didn't.

"Do you remember anything else?" She asked and I shrugged.

"You won't. If you try, your head will hurt so that's your decision." She said and went behind him taking him by surprise.

"Namjoon, you're in a danger. This place is not for you." Namjoon felt ticklish when you finished your sentence.

"What are you doing?" He asked and turned around only to find her a little too close to him.

She looked at him with her lips pressed, as if she was thinking something, Namjoon took a step back making space between them.

"Are you hungry?" She asked after thinking a lot.

"You must be. Come on, let's eat first." She said and pulled him again.

He didn't do anything to stop her though, it was all too confusing for him.

"I have a little food saved up for you. I hope it is enough." Namjoon felt his legs stiffen up a bit.

One look at her, and anyone could tell that she was living a hard life, and Namjoon didn't want to make your life harder.

"I- I am not hungry." He said rubbing his neck. She stopped and looked at him with an amused face.

"Sir you have been sleeping for 10 days, I would suggest you eat even if you're not hungry."

"This is all so weird. Almost like a dream. Am I dreaming?"

"This is all real. This is our reality."

Hello. I've been gone for so long but I really wanted to write this one.....

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now