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It was almost two hours now since Namjoon and Hyeri had left the lake and Hyeri was still a lot bothered by her damp clothes.

The first hour she felt extremely embarrassed to be around Namjoon in her clothes as they were sticking on her body and no matter how much she tried to pull her shirt away from her body, it would still stick on her when she walked.

It annoyed her but the only thing that made it bearable was that Namjoon was unbothered by it. He wasn't a big fan of walking in wet pants but he knew if he talked about it Hyeri would never stop complaining even though it was her fault for starting it.

As time went by, it became more and more chiller and Hyeri feared that their clothes won't be fully dried up by the time it's dark. But there was still hours till she had to worry about that.

The thing that worried her was the next task.

The hardest of the ones she had given, she was afraid that it will scare Namjoon off.

She knew she had to prepare him for it but she still hadn't decided on how to explain it to him. She wanted to make things as easier as possible for him.

And then when he would pass the fifth task, she had a big surprise for him.

The big revelation.

The truth.

She knew she had to hurry, her time was limited, his time was limited too and there was no room for any delays.

She believed in the boy next to him. She already knew that he was intelligent and brave. She trusted him; a lot more than she had ever put her trust on anyone else.

She knew with her correct explanations, he would surely come out victorious but the explanation was the tricky part, it was HER part and she had to make sure she did it correctly.

But that wasn't the only thing on her mind. Her mind was occupied my many more things that she could not even focus on any one. She eventually forgot about her clothes which bugged Namjoon.

She was lost again and Namjoon didn't like that. He wanted her attention, badly. He hated to see her so distant even when she was right next to him.

He grabbed her arm lightly, "Hyeri, I am tired. Can we sit for a few minutes?"

"Yeah sure." Hyeri said with a small smile and walked to the sidewalk.

He saw her dusting the place before sitting there.

"I thought you were tired?" Hyeri said looking at the boy who was still standing on the middle of the road.

"Y-Yeah." Namjoon walked and sat next to the girl.

"I would have given you some berries but we're really low on that." Hyeri said as she checked her bag.

"Do you want some leaves to chew on?" Namjoon thought for a few seconds before nodding.

Hyeri gave him a few couple of leaves that she had picked a few hours ago.

Namjoon, who still wasn't a very big fan of those leaves kept one on his tongue. The sourness of the leaf changed his expression making Hyeri giggle softly.

Don't leave them on your mouth for long, chew quickly and then swallow, they should provide us with enough energy.

Namjoon did as told and was satisfied with how different it felt.

"It's a little trick I used when I was saving berries for you while you were sleeping." She admitted.

Namjoon pressed his lips together, not wanting to get sad and emotional in the middle of the day.

"I'm sorry about your clothes. They are still wet." He said rubbing his neck.

"I'm sorry about yours too."

There was silence for a while that was very highly appreciated by both of them.'

Namjoon knew Hyeri wasn't really thinking of anything just by looking at her. She looked at peace.

He liked her like that, when she was not worrying about anything.

"Namjoon, how much do you trust me?" Hyeri asked looking at him who was already looking at her.

"Well I have given up my life in you hands from the moment I woke up so I would say, I trust you more than I trust myself." He said shrugging his shoulder.

"That's a lot."

"It's not a lot when it is with the right person." He said making her smile.

"You would really make a hit poet."

"Maybe I'll do that when I get back." He said sadly.

"Oh please will you stop being gloomy? People here would kill to leave this place. Chin up, you are just two steps away from freedom.

"It won't be the same with you not there."

"You never know. Maybe it will be better." Hyeri responded.


"Let's move now. We can talk in the way?" Hyeri said as she stood up.

"Only if you manage to stay with me and not get lost in your own world." He teased as he joined her on foot.

"Just promise me you won't let me get bored." She said and picked up her bag.

"Let's go!" She said and pulled him on the road.

"Don't let me get bored too." Namjoon said with a smile.

As the two of them started walking, she asked him the topic that he wanted to talk about.

"I don't know. How about this road? Why was it built?" He asked looking at the broad sidewalk carved out imperfectly.

"I can't tell for sure, but the early people who got here had a task to make this road, a part of it at least."

Hearing this, Namjoon felt goosebumps all over his limbs.

"As a task?"

"Yeah. But it is just rumored, no real proof. There is no one alive who can confirm this."

"They're dead?"

"Well maybe they escaped this place and got home, or violated any rule and got trapped inside demon."

"So there is no one who can tell us about the early life of this universe?"

"There are some from what I was told. They don't really understand us and we can't understand them. The others, they decided to end it all." Hyeri said.

"End it all?" Namjoon curiously asked.

"You can only be trapped for so long at one place, if there's a way to change that, I know I will probably change it. Even if it means to be trapped at some other place."


"That way I will be out of option."

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