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I was gone for a while but not because I was socially disconnected again but my father was hospitalized and I had my exams right after that

It had been a while since the darkness ate away the light sky and Hyeri was still patrolling the area outside the main exit.

She was a little worried but she knew that if Namjoon was in there, he probably was safe.

Hyeri kept strolling from the exit to the entry and vice versa, but that stopped when the darkness limited her eyesight, she decided to stay at the exit, hoping he would come out of there in no time.

Walking around in the dark, she also hoped that she won't stray away from her path and now wished she was sitting at one place.

After about 10 minutes of her worthless strolling, she saw a light.

She stopped walking and looked at the light which had popped out of nowhere.

She took a step forward but due to darkness she missed a rock and stumbled, a big cry of pain left left her mouth as she tried to sit now.

She looked at the light and saw it moving, moving towards her at reasonable speed.

Hyeri's mind was blocked and the only thing she could think of was to run away from it.

So she did.

She started running away from the light now, scared for no reason but she didn't want to take a chance with her life.

She looked back at the light and it was much faster than her, she increased her pace but again because she couldn't see anything, her foot got stuck on something and she fell over with a thump.

"Oh God Hyeri are you ok?" She heard a very familiar voice and turned to make sure.

"Namjoon." She said in a whisper and he lifted the lamp up to his face to confirm it was indeed him.

"No, it can't be." She said and crawled backwards.

"What happened Hyeri? This is really me." He said as his hands reached out to touch her face.

"Why do you have that?" She said pointing at the lamp.

"The good demon gave me this because it was dark, I have to leave it at the door tomorrow morning."

"Why are you in here Hyeri, this is a dangerous place. You should have stayed on the road." He said as he helped her to stand up but Hyeri winced as a sharp pain shot on her leg.

"You are hurt, Hyeri. There's blood." He said examining her leg with his lamp.

"We can't stay here, we need to go to the roadside." Namjoon said looking around, he knew the place was dangerous as Hyeri had told him not to go there in dark before.

"Hyeri hold the lamp, I'll lift you up ok?" She shook her head and crawled back again.

"Hyeri don't be scared, it's really me. Please say something."

"What if you're not you." She spoke, her guards all up.

Namjoon was helpless, he was trying to move to the girl but she was visibly really scared.

"At least let me take you to the roadside and then I'll stop bothering you." He was a little annoyed now.

"If I really was not Namjoon or some shape shifting demon I would have killed you by now." He added.

Hyeri looked directly at his eyes, trying to be completely sure before nodding.

He handed her the lamp and helped Hyeri stand up before putting her entire weight on his shoulder.

They tried walking but Hyeri's leg was too hurt to move.

"I'm going to carry you there, you're putting too much strain on your leg." Namjoon said and lifted her without she got the chance to say no.

He started walking back from where he came, careful not to step on something that would cause another fall. He giggled at the thought of Hyeri falling two times because of her stupidity.

"Hey why are you laughing?" She asked as her hand was wrapped around Namjoon's shoulder.

"Because you're a dummy, why didn't you just sit in one place?" He asked.

"I couldn't, I was waiting for you." Hyeri said as her head automatically got comfortable on the crook of his neck.

"Waiting for me in the forest? I was so worried that you forgot about me while I was in there." Namjoon said, his pace still slow.

"It was dark. I didn't know that I had entered the forest and why didn't you shout for me? You came running after me like a mad man." Hyeri complained and gave him a weak hit with her fist.

"It's night for the demons and most of them were sleeping in there, I didn't want to add to our list of problems." Hyeri hummed, she was now embarrassed over how she acted.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For thinking you were a mad man." Namjoon chuckled.

"You should be sorry to your leg, how are we going to treat it?"

"I wish we had some water to wash it."

"I knew we were going to need some." Namjoon mocked remembering how Hyeri said that they could live without water the previous day.

"I won't die."

"No. But maybe we'll have to amputate your leg so it won't cause any infection." He said jokingly.

"No!" Hyeri said making him laugh again.

"Do you believe it's me now?" He felt Hyeri nod on his shoulder.

At first he thought that it will be hard to carry Hyeri but seeing how weak and light she was, he couldn't help but worry but he didn't want to bring it up at that moment.

"Yes I do. I'm sorry, this has happened before too and you have this lamp so I-"

"This has happened before? When?"

"A few days ago, you were sleeping and I heard voices that were similar to yours." She confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's probably nothing."

"It's not nothing when it bothers you this much." He said and kept her down on the ground. She looked at the road ahead of her and soon Namjoon joined her too.

"You said your promises were real right?" She nodded.

"Then promise me you will never hide things like these from me ever again."

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now