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Hoseok was fuming with anger.

He had kept the content of Namjoon's letter a secret for so long not because it revealed that he was in love with Hyeri.

It was because it revealed that Namjoon knew about the liking Hoseok had for his girl.

He was ashamed when he first read it. He wanted to turn back and erase the night he went to Hyeri's house to convince her to stay.

Not only did she refuse to listen to him, his faithful friend now knew how unfaithful he had been. The more shameful part of the letter was that Namjoon still trusted him with Hyeri.

But the shame he had was nothing compared to Namjoon's father.

That man was so shameless that even after reading his own son's decision, he called Hoseok names that no one in Hoseok's family had been called.

He was a high-level angel, the words he received were derogatory.

Before going away, Namjoon's father reminded him of the deal again that he had put forward a few days ago.

The deal where he had presented that Hoseok takes Hyeri away from Namjoon's life and break the soulmate link that Namjoon and Hyeri had build in their years together.

If not the words of devil, this deal was a direct slap to his integrity.

He couldn't deny that the deal held good on his side, he would end up with Hyeri and it will never be a problem if Namjoon doesn't return with the spear part.

But there would always be loop-holes. All the three people involved were public figures.

The hate Hyeri will receive for his decisions was already too much to imagine.

She was supposed to be someone pure. Pure people get involved with other pure people, have pure babies who grow up to continue the chain.

Hyeri had already broke the chain by letting her soul get connected to a low rank angel, resulting in her breaking away from her strict family.

That is what Namjoon and Hyeri had in common. They didn't care what the world will say about them not being true to their roles. They were revolutionaries.

Hyeri's fault? She believed that she could fix Namjoon's family.

Unlike Namjoon and Hyeri, Hoseok grew to love his work and his family. He had tried to cover up Namjoon's slip aways his entire life because it was his duty as a friend.

In return, Namjoon had helped him learn a lot of things about life and the worlds. He treasured his friendship more than he loved Hyeri.

Namjoon had always been there for him. Just like Hoseok had protected Namjoon from the world, many time when Hoseok did something wrong, Namjoon had took the blame upon himself just to make sure Hoseok's record was clear.

Then one day, Namjoon had earned the name that he deserved. And behind him was Hoseok, only Hoseok.

They were brothers. The only person Namjoon had put his trust on before Hyeri showed up.

Hoseok knew his friend would have been devastated when he wrote that letter but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't stop loving Hyeri. Not when she was always around him.

He wished for Namjoon to beat him up like any sane person would do, tell him things that his father said to him, he wanted to tell him that he did love Hyeri.

He wanted to tell Namjoon his pain and wanted Namjoon to share his too but instead Namjoon kept seeing him without an ounce of hatred.

Was that the reason why Namjoon was so insecure? Why he didn't wait for Hyeri to come back and instead went for her?

Hoseok felt guilt like never before but he still gulped it all in.

In his letter, Namjoon had clearly stated that if Hyeri returned and he failed to, Hoseok had his permission to break the link and try making a new one with Hyeri's soul.

Was that how much Namjoon loved him and Hyeri? He had already thought everything before going away.

But it also stated that until very sure, Hoseok had to keep his distance from her while looking after her in the same time.

Hoseok loved Hyeri but nothing was dearer to him than his friend.

He couldn't imagine Namjoon not coming back. Namjoon was the only person who knew what Hoseok was like in his worst days and best days.

Hyeri's haunting cries when she returned was still ringing in his head.

She told him that Namjoon was in danger and he trusted her.

Seeing no way out of this love game, Hoseok decided to write his mother a letter.

Linking his soul to a stranger wasn't something he had ever imagined for himself but if it was going to protect the souls he loved, then he was ready.

Namjoon was exhausted. He was really short on food so he had to check on how much he was eating.

The day was productive, he had checked a place that had never been checked by anyone but there was no trace of any grave.

He crossed the place on the map he had but at least one place was down.

It was night and although unsafe, Namjoon had found a nice place to rest and recharge.

He wished his luck was good but it seemed like when it came to that spear part, no one's luck was that great.

He still had a lot of places to go. So far, the path had been clear.

There was no unnecessary interactions or problems on his way that would stop or delay him and he wished that this continued until the very last.

He was really tired, so after three days of barely sleeping and the continuous walking, he knew that he will fall asleep without a problem.

But he also knew that sleeping carelessly could be dangerous, even fatal, in the area he was so he had to be alert too.

This was tough considering that he had to walk a lot the next day as well.

He allowed his back to rest on the tree trunk behind him and held the shard stick and his bag close to him.

This wasn't much, but it still worked as a protection against the cruel world he was voluntarily stuck in.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now