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After the last not so large demon had almost made Namjoon pluck of his eyebrows, it was now a long one who came out holding a total of 5 bells.

By the way he carried it and kept it in front of Namjoon, he could make out that every bell has a different frequency and sound.

Although he liked the idea of music being a part of his dry days, he didn't seem to remember anything about it.

There was a plane silence in the place, with only the demon shuffling the bells as he desired, Namjoon still wondered what his quiz will be and how he will be solving it with no memory of music.

"There are 8 primary notes of music in the universe which defines the other musical notes. There are five bells in front of you, all of the five bells have different frequencies therefore they are different notes but as you can see I have shuffle them for you." He said pointing at the identical bells.

"You have to arrange it in ascending order so that if you replace one bell with another you get a descending order of the notes." The demon said explaining what he had to do.

"If you don't have anything to ask, then you can start the quiz." Namjoon nodded. He liked the calmness of this demon more than the previous one, it automatically made him a little confident but he still didn't know anything about music.

He picked up a bell and decided to first arrange it according to the thinness of the bells but something bothered him when he played the bells, two of them sounded exactly similar.

He wanted to complain it to the demon but something stopped him, he remembered that he was wrong the last time he thought that the quiz lacked something.

Still working on the bells he remembered something Hyeri had told him a few days ago.

"Everything is round, they start and finish the same. Like this world, science, music, philosophy.... They all end with the same thing they start with."

He looked at the bells in his hands again, now knowing that they were the same but yet considered different. One symbolised start and other end.

He kept the bells on each corner and now understood why the question said that swapping just two bells would change the order of the bells.

Now he looked at the remaining three, all of them had distinct sound. He didn't know where to start from. He had no knowledge of it.

He tried putting the three bells in different sequence but they sounded good in all so be wasn't really sure which one was correct.

He then decided to go with the pitch.

On arranging the bells according to the pitch, he noticed how it went well even if he was going backwards and that's when he knew, he did it.

He asked the demon to check and indeed he was correct. On interchanging the second and the fourth bell, the notes were now in decreasing order too.

The demon was impressed and wished him luck for the last big quiz.

Namjoon gulped knowing this one will have a time limit and will be harder than all five quizzes, even the fourth one.

He was sitting alone for a while, studying the place around him wondering how Hyeri would be doing.

Hyeri was way better than before now, she made peace with the fact that Namjoon probably was in the last or second last quiz. She still longed to see him but she was not really sad anymore.

Everything that happened in the last few days was really putting her off but she was tired. Her health was putting more burden on her than ever and she didn't have much time left.

She wanted to be happier and cherish her time with Namjoon if those were her last days with him. She had made peace with the reality.

Her personal feelings were getting in the way of her thinking straight and she didn't want that, she wanted to be her best foe Namjoon. After all, he was her first priority.

Namjoon tried to stay calm but the chatter behind the door was making him uneasy. He recognised some of the voices of the demons he has just met but some of them were still new.

He kept sitting like a small kid whose parents were deciding on what punishment they should give their child for misbehaving.

Namjoon gulped hard when the atmosphere was silent again, it meant that they had finally decided on his last quiz.

He was fiddling with his fingers when he saw three demons come inside and sit in front of him.

"Namjoon, do you really want to go back to the place where you initially ran from?" He recognised the voice as the demon who had just been with him a while ago.

"Yes I do." He managed to say without straining his voice.

"Your determination was very well seen in the quizzes, we are really impressed." The demon said and Namjoon have him a small short lived smile.

"You have to give one more test before we can allow you to go further." Another demon said with piercing eyes.

"You will get only thirty minutes to complete this unlike the two quizzes that you did while taking your sweet time." He said referring to the first and the fourth quiz where he had spent most of his time here.

Namjoon nodded to show that he was on track with everything they were saying and that he was ready.

Even though the cells on his body felt like they were disagreeing with him, his mind still told him that he was ready. He had to be, there was no way out.

"Very well then, we wish you good luck and we remind you about the warning that you probably saw outside the gate." The demon said and one by one everyone left him alone again after giving him his last quiz.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now