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Naturally, this is the last part

Scared was a feeling that Namjoon was really familiar with now.

His entire journey he had been scared, scared of dying, scared of losing, scared of losing Hyeri, scared of the darkness, of the demons, of himself, of the reality. He was a person who had a long history of being scared.

And yet, now standing in the face of the most dangerous being he had ever seen, he felt brave. Even though he was shivering with fear a few moments ago, the fear had subsided when he heard the explanation about everything.

He stood brave even when he was clearly told that he will lose his life in a few minutes. He knew he wasn't going to go down without a fight and the demon in front of him knew that too.

Namjoon could now clearly see where the blinding lights was emerging from. It was from the portal behind the demon. One that he knew, if he jumped into, he will be safe.

There was nothing the demon could do once he was out of his territory. Universes won't let him. Namjoon had successfully passed all the challenge and reached there before his time came.

But the demon was a problem. His revenge was a problem.

"Where is it?" Namjoon asked making the demon laugh.

"Boy you have some guts." He said with a crooked smile.

"It's not out there. It can't be."

"The spear was broken into six parts and each part was hidden in the six universes."

"Yes, and the one in this universe is the only one left to find. So where is it?"

"Why will I tell you that?" The demon mocked.

"You are going to kill me anyway, the least you can do is tell me something about the thing that I have spent my last ten days chasing about."

"Aren't you a bold one, unlike your counterpart."

"You haven't done anything to her right? She knew nothing. Her memory was wiped." Namjoon asked making the man laugh again as he now walked towards the big dirty couch and sat there.

"I was never a big fan of that girl but I am going to do just the least for you by answering just one of your two questions before I give you the most gruesome end, one that will go down in history books." The demon, no, the devil said with a smug smile.

"You will be punished; all this will be punished. I know the laws of the universe." Namjoon said making the devil laugh.

"I am the law little traveller. I am the one who decided who go back and who stays," he then looked at Namjoon who was a representation of courage in that moment, "and who dies."

"There is no sixth task." Namjoon realised.


"Well being at the bottom of the society has its perk. No one wants to get inside your house."

"We can make it right. Just give me the last part and let me go home, everything will be fine." Namjoon proposed.

"And then what? I will still be a demon, the very first one. We were cursed young man, there is no way to reverse a curse." He said grabbing the stick of the lamp beside him.

Namjoon looked at the pole instinctively. The demon's palm was the only thing that was visible. A grey mask hid his face and he was all covered from his head to toe.

"You could have stopped the pain from growing. Should have ended your bloodline."

"And why would we do that?" Demon asked gripping the pole more tightly.

Namjoon could see his ring dug inside the flesh slowly but there was something else that caught his eyes instead.

Something very shiny at the end of the pole of the lamp, shiny but dull at the same time.

There it was.

There was the thing that so many had sacrificed their life for, the thing which separated him from his love.

Namjoon quickly looked at his hand again.

"You're bleeding." He said, watching as the blood dropped on the ground.

"You haven't told me yet, which question of yours do you want me to answer?" The demon asked with a masochistic gaze.

"I have a new question." That made the demon sit straighter.

Amused, he asked Namjoon to go on.

"Have you never tried to kill yourself?" He asked looking straight at the demon who was visibly shaken up by the question.

"Have you never tried to end your misery? To end you brother's, your children's, your family's misery?" Namjoon asked as he carefully took small steps until he reached in front of him.

"See, I'm not scared of dying. I will die one day. If not here, I will die in the arms of my love or get eaten up by your demons but I will die."

"I am not scared of death either, I don't die."

"How do you know that?" Namjoon could see him shift in his thoughts.

He knew that the creature in front of him would have tried almost everything in his power to undo his curse. After all, he was not a born demon.

"I can tell just the thing that should have been the first in your 'to try' list." Namjoon said now standing dangerously close to the demon.

The demon growled in anger. Somehow, he had lost control over the situation. Namjoon had his head running around like he had sensed Namjoon's head was spinning in the start when he was telling him how he will kill him.

His words were gone. It would have been a lie if he didn't try to kill himself a dozen of times in a day.

Forever is really a curse.

Sensing that the devil was lost now, unfocused and wandering, his hand slowly made its way towards the pole.

Taking his chances considering that the demon was also had a grip on it, he gripped on it too and pulled it with all his might.

The demon, who was lost in his thoughts, didn't see that coming and in a second, the pole was in Namjoon's hand with the spear pointing towards the demon.

"I'm pretty sure you haven't tried this." Namjoon said as he stuck the spear part into the middle of the demon's chest and twisted it as painfully as he could.

The demon wailed in pain; his eyes as big as a socket.

Namjoon felt sorry in that moment, he was hurting someone, for a second, he felt weak but was brought back when he felt the pole slipping away.

"You're a fool." He heard the demon scream.

Namjoon quickly pulled the spear away from the demon making him bleed out which made the demon lose his balance.

The portal was just a few steps away and Namjoon wasted no time rushing towards it.

That was it.

"I hope this sets you free." He said before taking a deep breath and jumped inside the portal with the spear stuck to the pole as the helpless demon watched his prey escape.

Epilogue coming soon

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now