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It all starts with a 'hello'.

A simple hello. It can start a conversation for the largest. It also makes you approachable and kind in the eyes of the people who don't know you.

A hello with a smile can make a person's day who was initially having a bad day. A smile can touch an innocent child's heart and make their sweet smile show up, the one with their teeth showing.

A smile can be wicked too. A sign of evil victory. A false one that hides sick plans and destroys you when you least except it. A fake one that people give you just before telling the sad truth.

But a smile with a hello is always uplifting, well most of the time.

For Namjoon, the hello he received in the morning was the most surprising one he had witnessed.

It came with a smile but Namjoon was so surprised to see it that he didn't know how to respond.

He had stared at the person in front of him for a good minute and when he didn't say anything the person cleared his throat.

"Namjoon, hello friend." The person greeted again with a smile.

The sun was still not up but Namjoon could tell that the sunrise was minutes away now. He could clearly see the person in front of him.


"Glad you still remember me." He said with a smile and sat next to the boy.

"Hyeri went back I hope." Namjoon nodded still not believing the man in front of him.

"Yeah, about a week ago." Larry nodded.

"That's nice. But what still keeps you here?" He asked.

Namjoon sighed and looked the other way.

"Oh man I'm sorry. It sucks to be stuck here forever." Namjoon flinched and looked at the boy.

"No. I'm not stuck here."

"Oh, I just thought that you failed a mission." Larry said with an apologetic smile.

"No I was just wandering around."

"It's not safe to wander this deep inside the forest." He told him but Namjoon shrugged.

"Yeah, I am on my way back to the road. But what about you? I thought you had headed back to some village?" It was Namjoon's turn to ask a question.

"I was. But I can't live like they do. Follow rules and stuff. I was never one for rules. Or I would not end up here." Larry replied.

"I found a group of people searching for something that we all know does not exist. And I joined them." Namjoon looked at Larry again and this time he noticed a bag hanging on his back. A very big bag.

He was the friend that the group had lost.

"That's a tent." Larry said pointing at the bag.

"Yeah, I figured." Namjoon said before standing up.

"Where is your group now?" Namjoon asked, just for the sake of being sure.

"I'm over them now. They left me to die. This is a one-man journey. You get me?" Namjoon nodded.

"But still, it is always nice to have someone accompany you. It gets lonely." Larry sighed.

"It's not worth it with the wrong type of company."

"Where is she?" Hoseok said as he ran back from his room.

He was on another date with Anne as scheduled by his mother but when he was informed that Hyeri was missing, he raced back home.

Anne who was confused ran after him who was running like a madman.

"Where is Hyeri?" He asked the caretaker. Anne's face now stressed.

"I don't know master. She was here when I left to make her lunch but disappeared when I returned."

"We have searched the whole house sir. She is not here." His employee informed.

"Then where the hell is she? She is not strong enough to go out alone." He shouted; a man who rarely raised his voice shouted at the employee.

"Hoseok calm down please." Anne stepped in between of the man and the poor employee.

"No! Why the hell are you even here? Leave!" Anne flinched visibly.

The room was in silence for a few seconds before Anne nodded weakly and stepped away from him.

She was going to say that she was there because she cared for him, it was foolish but she did. But her words were too sweet for the poisonous man in front of her.

Hoseok watched as the girl left without saying anything. He had created an image of him in her that he had never himself encountered.

A man who raised his voice on her. There was pain filling his body and he wanted to get rid of it. He wanted to run after her. Apologize and set things straight but Hyeri.

Hyeri was missing.

"Search everywhere. I want her back. Safe." He looked at everyone in the room and walked out.

"Bad Hoseok." He muttered before getting in his car.

He didn't know where to start. Hyeri on foot, was supposed to be around there somewhere but she was also smart.

He started the car and started driving slowly, checking every single thing, hoping everyone else was on foot and would check in the stores.

Just to be sure, he had called home and instructed them how to search for her.

"Where are you, Hyeri?" He muttered.

What started as a pleasant afternoon turned out to be so gloomy.

They had almost spent two hours searching for the girl everywhere but there was no trace of her.

Hoseok was about to start his car again when he received a call from the caretaker.

"She is back sir." Without listening any further, Hoseok turned his car around and drove back home, his eyes feeling a bit moisty.

He almost ran inside and sighed deeply after he saw her eating some grapes on the couch.

"You are a devil." He said before resting his back on the huge gate.

"Sir I think you should apologize." The caretaker said after her had taken a few breaths.

"Excuse me?"

"To your friend who was here earlier. She was the one who brought miss back." Hoseok was straight up on his feet now.

"Anne? She brought her back?" The lady nodded.

"Where is she now?"

"She left. She said miss Hyeri was in the park and she didn't know it was her until she mentioned you. But she left very quickly." Hoseok's back was once again on the door.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now