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Namjoon now stood in front of the five caskets.

For some reason, he had thought that the caskets were going to be different in appearance but the caskets were all identical to each other.

He didn't know where to start from. The caskets were all equally attracting and repelling him at the same time and he knew the moment he opened one, his timer would start.

But there was an angel waiting for him and he didn't want to waste any time. Besides, he was mentally prepared for whatever that was about to come.

He had been preparing for the best.

He walked to the casket in the middle. His first choice was either of the boxes in the side but he knew better than to be generic.

He knew that he had to go through all of them eventually but the middle one was the one he chose.

He carefully opened the casket that looked like an antique from a very old jewelry shop. He frowned to find the box empty.

"This can't be it." His first words ever since he left Hyeri. He flipped the box and shook it lightly hoping some paper would fall and tell him what to do but nothing.

The box was empty.

Namjoon swallowed hard and tried to look for some engraving inside the box but there was nothing.

Dejected, he closed the box and tried looking for something on the surface of the casket.

There he saw it, on the gold-colored casket with silver beads, his task rested.

His fingers brushed on the surface of the writing, relieved that he found it.

Taking another deep breath, he read the beaded writing.

Fill me with red. The deepest kind. Fill me to my brim.

Namjoon read the writing again and again but it made no sense to him.

Red? What was that supposed to mean for him in a world full of red reference.

His first thought was blood. Nothing is purer than blood but it didn't feel right. Plus he was in no place where he could give that amount of blood.

He had lost his healing capacity when he jumped through the portal.

He read it again, but aloud this time.

Out of a sudden, he felt something moving and he crouched while hiding his head with hands.

For a few seconds, he heard rustling and felt the ground within him shake lightly.

After the noise stopped, he hesitantly stood up and looked around. Everything was neat and at place. Just like it was when he had walked in.

He then turned to look if the caskets were ok and he almost left out a cry.

The caskets were gone. Not just the caskets but the whole table was gone. The only thing with him was the casket that he had on his hand.

A few meters away from him was a big door that was not there earlier.

Namjoon was sure it was there for him as it had only appeared when he read the writing on the casket.

Knowing he had only little time in his hand, Namjoon quickly went near the door and knocked on it a few times.

He could have opened the door by himself but he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. After all his Gods were watching him closely to see if he deserved to go back or not and he wanted to be on his best behavior.

If Hyeri were to listen to his reasoning, she would have had a good chuckle on his naiveness.

The door opened immediately for Namjoon to enter. This reminded him of the task he had the last time but this time, he was alone.

Namjoon entered the big frame and felt like the entire space shifted a different world into this one.

"What is this?" He looked around to see clay.

Clay everywhere.

Of different colors.

He stood in awe, still not getting what he had to do.

The casket said red. So he figured he had to find red clay and fill the casket with it but it looked impossible.

He had less than and hour on hand and the place was huge. With all the clays overlapping each other and barely leaving any space for even walking, it felt impossible.

Namjoon who was running out of time, just started to move on the clays that were not required to find the red shade that he did.

He saw a lot of colors, blue, pink, white, black, yellow green, orange, you name it.

They were all there. Even the colors he had never seen, the colors he didn't know the names of and the colors he had never expected to exist were all there. Some gave off dirty vibes but some of them were so pretty that Namjoon had to look at them again.

It was a heaven for an artist who craved to have access to every color out there.

Namjoon tried to keep his head in the game as he strolled further away from the gate.

He kept looking around for that one primary color which he knew was definitely there.

If it were something other than yellow, blue, red or white, he would have made it using other colors provided he knew about the color.

But it was red, red occurs naturally and can't be physically made by mixing colors.

Tired, Namjoon stood still to catch on his breath.

There was still a lot to cover and he was short of time. He increased his pace in the search of the hue.

Suddenly, his legs came to a halt. There he saw it, the one color he was looking for.

He raced towards the clay and almost tripped on the way.

Kneeling before the clay, he touched it with his hand.

The firm yet wet sand under his hand felt euphoric.

He quickly started filling the casket with the clay making sure he left no empty spaces and could fit as much as possible.

When he was done filling it uniformly throughout the box, he closed the casket back again and stood back up.

He turned to walk towards the door but something else caught his eye.


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The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now