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As exhaustion made it impossible for him to go any further now and he asked Hyeri to rest for a while.

She had already told him the reason why he was probably feeling like that and he was really glad that she didn't hid it this time. She gave him berries and he ate them without revolting.

"Do you remember telling me that you didn't want both of us down together?" Namjoon asked referring to the time when she was really sick. Hyeri nodded as she sucked on a berry herself.

"Look at us now, your leg is still not in the best condition and now I'm weak too."

"I'm fine now Namjoon."

"Really though? You were walking kind of funny earlier." He said raising his brow.

"It's because the blood has dried off and my leg feels stiff. I'm in no pain anymore." Hyeri assured.

Both of them sat in silence for a while again before Namjoon spoke up.

"You already had so less blood and then you bled out so much too. How come you still have more energy than me?" He asked.

"Well the process of losing makes you weaker than the after effect of it. Your body just gets accustomed to it. We're made like that." She said scratching her neck.

"It just sounds so depressing for some reason." Hyeri giggled.

"You'll be alright, you wanna know why?" Hyeri asked wiggling her brow.


"It's because you have me." She said as she kept her hands on her cheeks to make herself look cute but Namjoon just laughed.

"Yeah you never fail to make me laugh." He said as he ruffled her hair.

Hyeri who had her infamous pout on her lips couldn't help but smile widely.

"Well even if I have to be a clown to make your mood better, I'll do it with honour."

"Having you beside me Hyeri, already makes everything a lot better and bearable."

"We're being cheesy now. If we continue this my mouth will start hurting from smiling like an idiot." She said shoving his shoulder lightly.

"I'm saying the truth, it's you who is being cheesy when you try to act cute."

"You don't have to act, you're already cute enough." Namjoon added taking the girl by surprise.

"Well in comparison to most creatures here, I am cute." She said wiggling her brows again making him laugh.

Some features of hers just stood out for him, these little habits of her made him crazy.

He didn't know if he had ever felt like this for someone else in his home planet, and it was mostly because Hyeri was the only companion he had ever the knowledge of.

His soul was so attached to her that he thought of her even when she was right next to him walking on silence.

He didn't know what to do if he escaped from that world, without Hyeri, he believed he will be lost no matter where he was.

She had slowly became his necessity. If air and water wasn't a necessity for him in that world, Hyeri definitely was.

Hyeri was someone whom he didn't deserve, it was what he believed. She was an angel that came to save his world. An angel in hell.

The fallen angel.

He felt the rapid beating of his heart again, as if it was trying to rip his chest off and escape. As if it wanted to go to it's rightful owner.

He again felt his mind being clouded by the sudden urge to kiss her. To feel her inviting lips on his lonely ones, oh he wanted that.

He would not accept it, he would never openly admit that he was seeing his partner in a way that's intimate.

Mostly, he didn't know whatever he was feeling. He couldn't name it, he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't understand why he was feeling all of this out of sudden.

Everything was fine until he saw Hyeri sick that one night, he felt sick himself.

He was fine before but now the urge to protect her, the urge to be the person who makes her smile and laugh and go red with embarrassment was taking over him.

He wanted her more and more as each moment passed but he would never admit that.

He instead gulped down the urges and looked away from a smiling Hyeri who remained unaware of all the thoughts that were rushing on his mind.

Every step that he took, every challenge he completed, gave him a boost of confidence and happiness but somewhere he knew that like each day lived by a mortal marks for one less day of living for them, every milestone limited the time that was left.

He would have to leave without Hyeri, and he wasn't quite ready to do that.

He hoped he would be on the time of departure but just the thought of it made him sad.

Living in that world didn't feel so bad in that moment if it guaranteed that Hyeri would be with him there, forever.

"Shall we walk some now?" He looked up and saw Hyeri already standing.

Just a few seconds ago she was right next to him and now she was standing tall, ready to guide him to his destination all the while taking his hand on hers in the journey.

His angel.

He nodded and stood up; the berries had given him enough energy to last for a few hours but the girl in front of him still made him weak.

He was living in a paradox. A sweet melody with a tint of danger or a dangerous adventure with a sprinkle of sweetness, he didn't know which one was correct.

He stood up and smiled at the girl who looked as enthusiastic as ever.

Nothing stopped her, no amount of hardship that was thrown at her made her less motivated and he was very inspired by her, even if he never admitted it.

"How long till we reach the fourth challenge?" He asked as he looked at the long road ahead of him.

"We'll get there by tonight, and then tomorrow morning you can go in." He nodded hiding his sigh, he still wasn't over his last challenge.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now