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Namjoon walked aimlessly.

Bring back each element of life.

He didn't know where to start. The door opened and he walked in not sure how he will do half of the task.

Make sure the elements don't mix and make something new.

This was probably the lengthiest task he had been given.

The four elements of life. Air, Water, Earth and Fire.

Air. The easiest to obtain, in fact the casket was filled with air.

The casket was evenly divided in four parts. One for each element.

Namjoon knew air was already in there so it wasn't an issue.

The land he was standing would fill a piece too so he wasn't worried about that either.

What he was worried about was the fact that he was going to mix the elements inside the box.

The fire and water combination will ruin everything and he will have to prevent it in some way.

Fire will be very hard to contain and Namjoon was already dreading the outcome.

Putting aside these worries for the future, Namjoon was more worried about where he will find the two remaining naughty elements.

Fire. A vision of the fireplace in the monster's home came in his mind. He knew rubbing two stones will probably ignite a spark but putting it in the casket? That was the definition of impossible.

He had to find water first. That was the only thing he didn't know where to find or how to make.

Although Hyeri had told him the patterns of trees and soils to find water, it seemed useless in the mission.

Namjoon felt the sand all even and tress all alike. He didn't know where to go and thus, he was wandering aimlessly.

He knew if the casket had asked him for water, water had to be present in that area but searching the whole wide place was going to exhaust all the time he had left.

He had already spent ten minutes of the hour he had and walking like that will waste many more. But he didn't know what to do except move his legs.

So he kept walking. Until he had a better idea, he had to make most of the time he had.

He felt hot. The sun, that he rarely saw on common days, was shining brightly on him an he was having a hard time to see clearly but the feeling was still more comforting than being without one for most of the daytime.

He was still not used to the red sky outside and preferred the light blue one above him more.

He tried to focus more on the task and looked around, still keeping a track from where he came. He was leaving a trail behind him from a trunk he broke from a tree.

After a few minutes, Namjoon felt the sand beneath him was damper. A few more steps, and his foot was sinking more with every step he took.

The soil held moisture, a lot of it.

Namjoon was sure that water was nearby now. But there was another problem.

His foot was long gone. The sand had reached up to his mid calves.

He was sinking.

He was standing in a region of quicksand.

He started panicking. Thankfully, he pulled his legs out successfully with high efforts but he felt his legs going in again but with a more rapid speed.

The Fallen Angel // A Kim Namjoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now