Attack of the Mega Shredder S3E21

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Mikey and Leo were swinging in the cage with mutagen swinging around it and Bebop and Rocksteady headed for the hills. "Let us make with the running !" Rocksteady said and they ran. Mikey was screaming scared rocking back and forth and Leo was picking the lock with his pocket knife. " it !!" Leo yelled and pushed open the cage door. Leo looked up and the chin holding the cage was about to snap. He made Mikey go first out of the cage and Leo jumped out of the cage and didn't make it and the cage broke. Leo was now under the mutagen and a huge ray of light came from where he was. Mikey ran out the front door and a tear came from his eye. "What do I do now ?" Mikey asked himself. Then he sulked back to the lair and when he walked in, Raph was sitting on the "couch" putting holes in a pizza box with his sias and Donnie was standing with April talking and Casey was standing at the entrance with his gear. "Mikey !" They all yelled and ran to him. Raph kinda hobbled but he made it over. Mikey was still crying and Raph asked, "What's wrong ?" Mikey didn't say anything. Just took a deep breath and stopped crying. "Where's Leo ?" Donnie asked and Mikey started balling like a baby. April gave him a hug and let go and Mikey said, "He sacrificed himself for me." Mikey managed to say really upset. Raph and Donnie looked down and were almost crying. Raph couldn't go to his room so he just sat down on the "couch" and Donnie went to his room and shut the door. April was comforting Mikey and Casey was standing with them. "Michelangelo ! Where is Leonardo ?!" MS asked coming in from the dojo. Nobody said anything. Mikey turned around and looked at MS with tears running down his face and MS's facial expression changed. "He sacrificed himself for me. He got mutated at Shredder's lair. We were trying to get a brain worm. I...don't think he survived." Mikey said and started balling. He ran to his room and slammed the door. "Leonardo" MS mumbles to himself. MS looked up at Raph and so did April and Casey. April went over to Raph and sat next to him. He turned his head the other way and wiped his nose off and looked back where he was before and said, "What do you want ?" April hugged him and laid her head on his shoulder. Two tears ran down Raph's face on each side. MS gave Raph the crutch Leo had when he was at the farmhouse and Raph looked at it for a minute and used it to go to his room and MS went to check on Mikey and Donnie. "Poor guys." April said and Casey said, "Wait a minute, if he got mutated, then doesn't it mean there's still a chance he's alive ! Maybe he's still out there !" Casey said. "I mean I guess, but nobody's ever mutated a mutant before. So we don't know if he's alive." April said. April and Casey went home and didn't go back, because of school, for a week. On Friday April and Casey were walking home with their friends Rachel, Zack and Parker when Casey's phone rang. He pulled out his T-phone and Rachel asked, "Why is your phone shaped like a turtle ?" "Uh, my brothers have a thing with turtles. Yello ?" Casey said to Rachel then answered the phone on speaker. "Casey ! man it's good to hear your voice." a guys voice said. "Who is this yo ? And how did you get my number ?" Casey asked and they stopped walking. "This is going to sound weird but, what am I talking about, I can't say this over the phone. I need you to meet me at 16th and Bleeker in an hour. Please Casey." The guy said and hung up. "Wait ! I...he hung up." Casey said and put his phone back in his pocket. "Who was that guy ?" April asked and Casey said, "I have no idea yo." They continued walking when Parker said, "I know him." "The guy on the phone ?" April asked. "Yeah, I've seen him come and go from the Bleeker warehouse that he told you to meet him at. He's kinda tall and has light brown hair and blue eyes and kina tan-ish skin, looks our age maybe eighteen, and never has a shirt on and he's got an impressive eight pack." Parker explained. "Hm, I don't know him." Casey said. "Why is he living in a warehouse ?" April asked as they turned the corner and saw the warehouse. "I forgot I pass it on my way home." April said and they stopped. "Should we go in ?" Zack asked. "Why not ?" Casey said and walked to the alley across from the warehouse and grabbed his hockey bag. "Woah." Zack and Parker said. Then April pulled out her tessen and fan. "Awesome." Rachel said and they went in with Casey and April in front of them. "Hello ?" April asked. "I'm here. I brought some friends if you don't mind creepy dude." Casey said and they walked all the way in and there was a tv and a couch with a table. On the table was three pizza boxes. "Pizza ?" Casey asked as April walked over to the boxes and picked up the box and there was one piece of pizza left. "There's only one left, and it has a perfectly sliced line across the top at an angle of altitude." April said and held up the slice of pizza looking scared. "So ?" Zack asked. "Why does that matter ?" Rachel asked and they looked around. "Casey I can't believe I'm saying this. You might be right." April said. "I am ?" Casey asked and Parker, Zack and Rachel asked, "He is ?" "Remember what you said a week ago when we lost...him...I think he's still alive." April said and you could hear the door shut and it went dark. "Sorry !" The same guy's voice said. "I wasn't expecting you so soon." the lights came on and the guys Parker described was standing at the light switch with no shirt on and light brown hair with electric blue eyes and khaki pants with black and white Nike sneakers. The guy looked at April and Casey and just smiled. "Who are you ? And what do you want from me dude " Casey asked and April and the guy made eye contact and April smiled and slowly walked over to him and Rachel said, "April," "Shh" April said and everyone was confused. April walked up to the guy and, was hesitant, but touched his cheek and gazed into his eyes. April gasped and Casey said, "It can't be." "What ?" Parker asked. "Leo." April said quietly. "Leo !" April yelled this time and hugged the guy tight and he hugged her back. "Leo !" Casey yelled and ran to the guy and April. "Who ?" Zack asked and April started crying and punched Leo in the arm. "How could you not come back ?!" April sniffled. "I'm sorry, it took me a while to get comfortable with my appearance. Then I couldn't remember anything. I finally remembered everything about who I am and called you guys." Leo said. "Everyone thought you were dead." Casey said sad. "Well, um, who are you ?" Parker asked and April said, "Oh right, Leo these are our friends Zack, Rachel and Parker. Guys this is my brother Leonardo." "Hi. Everyone calls me Leo by the way." Leo said and April said, "Oh we have to call them and tell them you're ok." April squealed. "You might want to put a shirt on before we go though. Rachel's staring." Casey whispered to Leo and he looked over at the girl and she was in fact staring at Leo's impressive eight pack. Leo went over and was putting on his shirt and April noticed there was a scar on Leo's right ab in the front. "What happened here ?" April asked touching the scar. "Oh, I walked down the wrong road and got ambushed. I'm fine really." Leo said and pulled away from April touching his scar. "You sure ?" April asked. "Sure April." Leo said and Leo walked back to the lair with Casey and April. They got there and walked into the living room and it was clean. "How is this place so clean ?" Leo asked smiling. "Nobody uses it." Casey said sadly. "What do you mean ?" Leo asked looking at him. "Donnie stays in his lab doing whatever, Raph stays in his room and Mikey stays in his room. Nobody interacts. Everyone separated when you left." April said then they walked into the dojo and MS wasn't there. "I guess you don't get to see MS today." April said and Leo asked, "Why isn't he here. He never leaves." "He goes out once in a while to get some fresh air and run for a bit." April explained and April and Casey were walking out with Leo when Leo stopped for a minute and out of nowhere MS pummeled him to the ground. "Wait wait MS ! Wait !" Leo yelled at MS and right away he knew it was Leo and helped him up. "MS ?" Leo asked as he just stared at him and he hugged him. "It is good to see you alive and well my son." MS said. "I suggest you go talk to your brothers." "Thank you MS." Leo said. "And Leonardo, show your heart for Raphael and Michelangelo." MS said and Leo went to Donnie's lab. Leo walked in and Donnie had his black cover over his face and was welding something and Leo tapped his shoulder and Donnie turned the blowtorch on his and lifted his mask and asked, "Who are you ? And how did you get here ?" "I guess it was my bad for sneaking up on a turtle when he's welding. Guess I forgot that." Leo said and Donnie put the blow torch on the counter and his black cover and looked the strange human in the eyes for a moment. "Leo ?" Donnie asked and Leo smiled. "Leo !" Donnie said and hugged him and April and Casey walked in and Donnie almost started crying. "I can't believe it !" Donnie said and they hugged for a minute and Leo want to Raph's room. He opened the door and it was pitch black and Leo turned the light on and Raph was lying facing away from the door and Chompy ran to Leo and he picked him up and put him on Raph and shook him awake and Raph said, "Go away Mikey ! I told you not to come in here anymore." Leo smiled and said, "I guess someone was up late last night." And Raph sat up and turned around and saw him and said, "Who are you ?" Raph got up with his ankle still wrapped and picked Leo up with his hand by his shirt and Leo flipped Raph's wrist and Raph had to let him go. "Leo ?" Raph asked and looked at Leo's eyes. "Leo !" Raph said and hugged Leo. Raph started sobbing. "I missed you too." Leo said and they didn't talk at all. Just hugged each other. After that Leo went to Mikey's room and he was sleeping with the blanket over his head and the Teddy bear in his arm. Leo walked over and turned the light on and Mikey moaned. Leo went over to Mikey's bed and took his Teddy bear and Mikey's eyes shot open. Then Leo took the blanket and tore it off the bed and Mikey looked at him but still didn't move. Then Leo turned on Space Heroes and Mikey jumped up and stood next to him and Leo said, "You know this is my favorite one." "Leo !" Mikey yelled and hugged him and started balling like Raph had moments ago. Then they all went to the living room and Leo told them what happened. "Wow, I just can't believe it." Donnie said and Leo watched Raph as he positioned his ankle to get comfortable. "I thought your ankle would be healed by now ?" Leo asked. "It was ! But then he hurt it again, really bad." Donnie said and looked at Raph and Raph said, "Whatever." "How did you hurt it ?" Casey asked and Raph said, "The train tracks." "He was trying to go somewhere and tripped and broke it." Donnie said and April walked over to Raph's ankle and looked at it and she said, "This should have a serious cast on it. It's really bad Raph." April turned it by accident and he flinched. "Sorry." April said and Donnie asked, "Well I did what I could. I'm not a doctor. What should I do ?"  April and Casey got the same idea and they called Rachel and Zack. They told them to come to the lair. Fifteen minutes later Casey left and came back with Zack, Rachel and Parker. "Woah" Zack and Rachel said. "This place is Awesomesauce." Parker said and Mikey said, "I've never heard that word before. Awesomesauce." "Woah, you guys weren't kidding." Rachel said and she and Zack had white doctor coats on. "Hey guys." Leo said and Donnie asked, "You know them ?" "kinda" Leo said and Parker and Mikey were hanging out while Rachel and Zack checked Raph's ankle. "It's definitely broken Raphael." Rachel said and Zack pushed on Raph's ankle and it made Raph mad and he almost punched Zack but Leo caught Raph's punch and Leo said, "Be happy I caught that." And Zack said , "Yeah, thank you." Leo looked up and Raph was looking at Rachel in a weird way like he liked her. "So I'm going to wrap it and he's just going to have to stay off it for at most a week." Rachel said. Then Rachel took Raph into Donnie's lab and she wrapped his ankle and Raph said, "So, um, how long have you been a um, doctor ?" Raph asked. Rachel blushed and smiled and said, "Only two years. But I'm head of the hospital. I do surgeries, wraps and lost of stuff. How long have you been a ninja ?" Rachel said and Raph looked at her and said, "Um, I uh started when I was five." Raph said. "Cool. Maybe one day you could teach me how to use sias, they're my favorite." Rachel said and finished the cast. "Done. So I guess I'll see ya next week Raphael." Rachel said smiling and handed Raph a piece of paper, kissed his cheek and walked out. Raph had a big dorky smile on his face when he used the crutch and walked into the living room. "What are you smiling about ?" Leo asked as Raph walked into the living room and his brothers were looking at him from the "couch". "Nothing." Raph said. April walked in from the kitchen and saw Raph smiling and she ran to him and looked at the boys and asked, "Did Rachel walk out of there a little while ago ?" they all nodded their heads yes. "Ooooh ! You like Rachel !" April squealed and grabbed Raph's arm and jumped up and down and shook the both of them. I don't like her... i don't have to explain myself to you guys." Raph said and he went to the "couch" and sat down. Leo, Mikey and Donnie were smiling at Raph. "What ?" Raph asked. "You like Rachel." Mikey said. "No I don't !" Raph said and Leo said, "Remember the first time Donnie saw April ?" "Yeah. Why ?" Raph asked. "That's how you looked looking at Rachel." Leo laughed and Raph said, "I don't like her !" "It's his first crush." Donnie said and laughed too. "Shut up. I think it's nice he likes her." April said and sat in between Raph and Donnie. "Did she give you a piece of paper ?" April asked. "Yeah, I haven't looked at it yet." Raph said and pulled it out of his pocket. "Omg ! She gave you her number !" April said. "She's my bestie I'll totally help you get her." "I'm not getting her ! I don't want to ! Again, I don't like her !" Raph said and MS walked in with Rachel from the dojo. "I thought you left Rachel ?" April asked. "No. I stayed with MS to talk to him." Rachel said and smiled at Raph as she walked towards the exit with April talking to her. "Bye Raphael." Rachel said and Raph smiled really dorky again and said, "Bye Rachel." When Rachel and April left, Donnie Mikey and Leo said, "Bye Rachel." In a flirty voice. "Hey, do I need to remind you of the first time you met Karai ?" Raph asked Leo. "Oh yeah we weren't there for that." Donnie and Mikey said. "What ? You weren't there either Raphael." Leo said. "Oh, but I've heard the story from her." Raph said and smiled evilly. "You have to tell us !"

Author's note
Might continue...

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