Intense Morning

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Kirk woke up with excitement. "What an amazing drea-" But then he saw Lars. He was laying on his chest, still sleeping and snoring so loud. He literally forgot that this miracle with Lars was actually all real. Kirk let out a little smile and was glad that this happened and placed his hand on Lars' hair. He looked at the time and it was 10 A.M. He got shocked and led out a big gasp. 

Lars woke up from Kirk's little movement. He opened his eyes slowly. "Kirk..?" 

"Lars, we are late! We had to be at the studio like 2 hours ago. James is going to kill us..." Kirk wanted to get out of bed but Lars held him down.

 "No... Let's take a day off... For just the two of us to spend the time together, alone..." Lars pleaded and went on the top, sitting on Kirk's cock. 

"Ah, Lars I-" Kirk tried not to get horny. "I wish we could do that but-" 

Kirk couldn't say more, Lars locked his lips with a kiss, and slowly went back. "I want more of you. I need you so bad..."  

Kirk has lost his mind a bit, he didn't want to upset his love Lars, nor James and Cliff, but he had to do the right thing. "You are special too, and I really love you so much, but we got to do what's important, and we can have more of each other later, right? There will be a day where we will be just alone for sure, just the two of us, I promise"  

Lars sighed while looking down and rubbing Kirk's chest. "Okay fine..." 

"Yeah is that good? Trust me everything will go well" Kirk stood up and kissed Lars. "Okay now let's go get ready and hope James won't be frustrated as fuck-"


At The Studio.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS LARS AND KIRK?! THEY ARE LATE FOR 2 HOURS AND A HALF!" James furiously punched a wall. 

Cliff was playing his bass and stopped. "Chill man, maybe they are dead asleep. Or..."

 "OR WHAT!?" James turned around to Cliff but then the doors behind him opened. They looked back in silence.

Lars and Kirk enter the room with fear. "Hey..." Lars was making a little wave but he stopped until James was going up to him looking like he was about to punch him. 

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS AT? WE HAD TO WAIT FOR BOTH OF YOU FOR SUCH A LONG ASS TIME" James yelled like a Godzilla. Kirk and Lars felt as they were shrinking, while James was turning into a huge scary beast.

Soon James stopped yelling, and Lars was in tears. "Dude, I was in a traffic, I'm sorry" Kirk lied, patting Lars' shoulder to calm him down. 

"Y-Yeah same..." Lars stopped tearing up and James got very suspicious, but didn't want to ask questions at that moment.  

"Dang, I guess that's fine, but don't be late next time." James got ready to make music in the studio. Kirk got his guitar out and went into his position. He felt a touch on his shoulder and looked back. He saw Lars walking away from him. He turned his head around to look at Kirk and he still had some tears in his eyes. Lars went to his drum set, trying to let out a little smile.

Sheesh sorry this chapter was made like 2 months ago but I never published it somehow...? Kinda terrible but yeah, Klars is beautiful though. Sorry again pls. 

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