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          Lars parked at the parking lot and hides the picture in his bag pocket again. He prays again before getting out of car hoping to see Kirk safe and alive. He enters the studio, and looks around, James and Cliff were only there. Cliff was chilling while smoking and James was playing guitar. Just like it happened in his dream! "Uh, where's Kirk?" Lars questioned and waited impatiently for the answer. "Is he alive?" James looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean if he's alive?" Lars started to get a panic attack. "Of course he is, he's just late again" Lars took a deep breath and was glad that he heard that. He placed his bag by the drum set and secretly took the picture out. Hiding behind the bass drum and hugging the picture. "I won't let anyone hurt you baby..." Lars thought to himself like if he were actually talking to Kirk.

"Wait, if in the dream we loved each other so much... Does it mean he will love me back in the real world?" Lars thought. "I should try my best to not act weird and see his reactions of how he thinks about me. Oh boy I can't wait to see him, the nightmare really got me terrified..." He heard knocking on the door. "I'll go get it!" Lars ran with excitement and pushed James away when he got up and tried to get to the door. "Kirk!- Oh... uh". Sadly it was a fan trying to get an autograph. "How the fock did you find us? Get out you little focker" Lars was annoyed and slammed the door shut. "How did he even got here- But bro, you got to chill a bit" James tried to calm him down. Lars wanted to say he wanted Kirk badly but instead "James, I had a terrible nightmare, and it included you guys. Even Kirk" He almost wanted to start to cry. "Dude you are such a little baby, it's just a dream" James patted Lars shoulder and behind them, the door opened slowly. Guess who it was.

It was Kirk!

"KIRK!" Lars ran and jumped on him, hugging Kirk very tight. "Woah, you okay Lars...?" Kirk caught him, he was very confused what was going on. "I-I-I had a terrible dream last night and you were there.... KILLED! I'm so glad you are fockin alive" Lars sobbed and couldn't stop hugging Kirk. James grabbed Lars and pulled him back. "You alright Kirk?" James held Lars hand tight so he won't approach to Kirk. He looked at Lars and felt really bad. "Y'know, can I go somewhere privately and have a talk with him?" Kirk questioned. James looked at Lars and dropped his hand. "Sure. But Lars. Please stop acting so weird and making him feel uncomfortable" Kirk went to a little room in the studio and Lars followed him quick. 

They were in the dark room and sat on a chair. "Hey, I see that your nightmare was terrifying, cause... I was killed... right?" Kirk spoked quietly. "Do you want to talk about the rest of your dream?" Lars looked at him with fear, blushing as well though. "I-I don't think you will feel comfortable hearing it... You'll probably hate me" Lars started to sob even more. Kirk felt upset now for him. He put his hand on Lars' hand. "You can talk about it to me, trust me. I won't tell anyone or get offended, I promise" Kirk made a soft smile and started to rub his hand. Lars grabbed a tissue that was by the side of his chair and wiped his tears away. "Okay... Uh..." He sniffed and coughed. "Look Kirk but... the dream felt very real and... it happened that..." Lars stuttered. Kirk waited patiently for him to answer. "We... We fell in love". He got out of the chair and tried to run away, but before he could do that, Kirk grabbed his hand tight. "You ain't going anywhere, come sit back down. I want to hear more..." Kirk kind of started to blush.

 "We did a lot of fun stuff together... Give hugs and kisses... Go to the pool and make out in the sauna... Even had sex-" Kirk stood up from his chair quick and dropped Lars' hand. "Damn, that's a very great- I MEAN... strange dream" "Wait- you love the dream...?" Lars got suspicious. Kirk lost his words and started to drool a bit. "You good Kirk-y?" He stood up from his chair and went to Kirk slowly. He wiped the drool quick. "And guess what" Lars placed his hand on Kirk's chest. "You were shot by Dave Mustaine!" Kirk overreacted and changed the topic. "Can we just get out of here and focus on our work that we got? Kirk breathed fast. "Uh... sure..." They both blushed and were silent for some moment, then they got out of the room.          

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