Suspicious About The Relationship

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                            They entered the indoor pool place and no one was here, expect James and Cliff were in the hot tub chilling and chatting. "Oh well well, who do we have here? A wonderful couple" James said it in a  funny voice. Cliff laughed. "No, we aren't a couple. Just shut up" Kirk needed to chill so he jumped into the pool. Lars looked at Kirk when he was in the water and damn he just started to get horny. He slowly approached to the pool and he touched the water, but it was too cold for him. "Oh Lars, just jump in and you'll be fine" Kirk lifted his hands up and wanted to catch Lars if he would jump. Lars crouched instead and reached for Kirk's hands. He winked and pulled him to the pool! "Woa-!" Lars fell and they went underwater. They got back up and Lars was hugging Kirk and shivering so much. "It's okay Larsy, you'll get warm soon" Kirk rubbed his back. "Awww, look at them, they are hugging again! How adorable~" James adored them once again. They blushed. "I wanna be alone with you" Lars whispered in Kirk's ear. "We will be alone soon again" Kirk smiled and looked around. "There's a sauna right there, wanna come with me?" Lars looked at the sauna and nodded. They got their towel and went into the sauna. 

Cliff and James looked at them suspiciously when they closed the door to the sauna. "Dude, they for sure are in a secret relationship, they are just too shy to say it. They are showing so much love for each other like in front of everyone, it's obvious man" Cliff spoke. James looked back at Cliff. "I agree bro. I'm still wondering if they actually 'fucked' each other. I literally couldn't sleep that much cause of the damn moaning. Though they said the neighbors made the sounds, but I don't believe that" James sighed. They were thinking so much. 

In the sauna, Kirk sat in the corner and Lars sat on his lap. They were quiet for some moment, but they really enjoyed the time, cause they were together alone of course. "I still can't believe we fell in love on the 1st day..." Kirk whispered "I know right, it's kind of weird, but I really love it" Lars turned his head around and kissed him. 

"We got to think of a way to catch them and see if they are actually in a gay relationship" Cliff suggested. "Can't we just go open the door and see their action?" James was thinking. He wanted to do Cliff's plan, but on the other thought, he doesn't want to. What if Kirk would get mad? Would he hate us and leave the band? It was complicated. But if Kirk and Lars are actually in love, he won't leave cause he wants to stay with Lars. James literally lost his mind. "That's it I'm checking" Cliff got out of the hot tub and went to the Sauna door. But at some point, he thought to not open the door. He placed his ear by the door and listened carefully. 

They were still kissing and biting. Kirk tried to slowly take his shorts off, and at that time, Lars moaned. Cliff was shocked. He went close to James and whispered "I heard Lars make the weird sounds, oh my lord..." James started to get disappointed and approached to the door slowly and started listening with Cliff. 

"I-I love you so much baby, I love you more then myself" Their lips were still touching and they felt each other's breath. That's when James ran out of words. He couldn't believe what he heard.  He went back to the hot tub to calm down and Cliff joined in as well. "I can't believe it... They are actually in a secret relationship" James froze. "Told ya, I can't wait to see them until they come out, plus why would you adore them at the 1st place? That's weird" Cliff looked away and sighed. 

"Hey Lars, do you think James and Cliff know about our relationship? I hope they don't" Kirk was worried. They were quiet for a moment. "I don't think they do.? We will see" Lars wondered. They kissed for the last time and got of the Sauna. James and Cliff freaked out. "Oh hey guys!- How was the sauna?" James laughed and acted like nothing happened. "It was good, and it's really hot in there" Kirk shrugged while wrapping the towel around his waist.  "I'm going to go eat something with Lars at the room, we are starving" He went and Lars followed him while wrapping the towel around himself as well.  They were at the door and Lars looked back and waved at James and Cliff. They finally left. "Oh boy, I don't think they are going to go eat-" James started to panic. "Should we follow them?" Cliff asked. They looked at each other for a moment. "Yeah, let's fucking do that, but don't make them realize we are stalking them". James got his towel and passed the other one to Cliff and left the pool.  

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