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It was 8:00 P.M. "Ey James and Cliff, we are going to go somewhere... To the bar" Kirk smiled. James and Cliff looked at each other. "Oh, okay that's cool, we are going to stay here and probably go to sleep" Cliff said with a smile. He couldn't wait to do the plan with James. "Alright, see you later" Lars laughed and they left the room. 

For a couple of minutes, James and Cliff waited to start their mission soon. They got out of the room and approached to the gay club. "I actually hope they went in there" James thought. "Wait, wouldn't a bar and a gay club be the same thing?" Cliff questioned. James shook his head. "Whatever" They slowly opened the door and surprisingly, there were some people. They looked straight and there they were... Lars and Kirk hugging each other and they slowly made a step side to side. James and Cliff quickly ran into the corner where it was very dark that no one would see them. They didn't realize they are here yet. 

A lot of cool gay songs were playing. Lars started crying and laid his head on Kirk's shoulder. "What would I do without you... I probably be depressed forever. I love you-u" Lars whispered and sobbed. "I'm glad you exist..." Kirk patted his head. "I love you too. I will always be there for you bab". Kirk started to get tears in his eyes well. 

James and Cliff kept looking at them until a random guy approached to them. "Do you think he's going to hurt them James?" James shushed Cliff. "Let's see". The guy approached to him and grabbed Lars arm. "Hey! Let me go~" Until he tried to say something more, the random guy whispered to his ear. "Let me dance with you" Kirk started to get mad and got his fist ready and... punched the guy in the face so hard! Lars quickly went behind Kirk.  "Mess with him one more time I'll kick you in the fucking ass out of here" He held his hand. The guy laid on the floor and was terrified of Kirk "Please get out of here you strange-" Lars tried to finish the sentence, but someone slammed the door open and the random guy ran away. Another mysterious guy stared into their souls, though they didn't knew who he was. He had dark clothing and a hood. "Who is this fuck-" James wondered. Kirk got scared as well and didn't knew what to do. The mysterious guy suddenly took his hood off and guess who it was...


"DAVE- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE-" Lars yelled with confusion. James almost couldn't feel his muscles. "DAV-E-E" He stuttered while yelling. "This wasn't part of the plan right?-" Cliff was in big fear. Kirk was literally out of words. Something unexpecting happens next though.

Dave pulled his pistol out already loaded with bullets and ready to shoot. "DAVE! NO!" James ran to Dave. "JAMES, WAIT!" Cliff ran after him. James jumped on Dave... But it was too late... He already pulled the trigger before.

The bullet shot in Kirk's chest. He fell in Lars' arms...

 "BABY! NOOOOOO!!!" Lars yelled, lowering himself to the ground while holding him, sobbing so much with anger. His heart started to beat faster more then ever, like the speed of light. He started to lose his mind. "KIRKY, PLEASE ANSWER!" Lars placed his hand on Kirk's chest where he got shot, blood got on his hand very quickly. "I can't br-e-ea-the" Kirk struggled to speak and coughed out blood. 

"For fuck's sake... Baby.. You'll be alright, don't give up" Lars held Kirk's hand, sobbing and the tears falling onto Kirk's face. 

Lars looked at Kirk's eyes. His eyes showed a lot of pain and fear. "I don-'t wan-t to die-, I'm too youn-g, I stil-l have a- lot of thin-gs to do... in lif-e.." Kirk stuttered fast with so much pain. Lars tried to speak, but currently struggled, he really couldn't believe what was happening. 

After 5 minutes... There was silence. 

"Love you Lars-y"... That was Kirk's last words. His last heart beat. His last view of his love, Lars Ulrich. It was over...

But do you really think this is the end...?

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